There have always been two main objectives for the doctors who call for my services.

For the benefit of their patients, the doctor wants to have a comfortable waiting room and treatment rooms, so that the patient will feel less anxiety or tension and more like following through on their treatment program. And on a truly altruistic level, the doctor may want the healing to begin as soon as the patient walks into the office. This is understood and appreciated by the doctor who knows that a balanced environment is an important part of the patient’s overall healing.

It is almost a cliché to see an aquarium in a Waiting Room and they are put there consciously to help patients relax before seeing the doctor. This tranquil distraction also helps the time go by quicker when waiting to be seen.

Another objective, like any other business, is to enhance aspects of the Feng Shui related to prosperity. Like any other establishment, a doctor’s office can attract or repel people. And those who are in a position to market for the doctor need to have positive offices to work in.

The doctor might have a routine where he/she moves from one treatment room to the next throughout the day. In this case, their personal back office is not as critical as the more “public” areas of the suite. First impressions are important, whether in person or over the phone. A front desk receptionist needs to be in a positive, balanced area in order for them to have the most effective and warm relationship with the patients.

Where a doctor’s office is within a building, including in a hospital, can have an over-riding affect on the business as well. There will always be better areas of a floor plan where the staff or patients will naturally do better than in the areas that are inherently not as positive. In classical Feng Shui we can dissect each floor plan and identify those inherently strong versus weak areas.

I have reviewed hundreds of doctor offices and it is always fascinating to see the correlation between the type of practice the doctor has, his or her specialty, or the business challenges they have matching the Feng Shui predictions.

I once visited a cosmetic surgeon’s office where the Feng Shui energies actually revealed that the doctor would attract a lot of women, preoccupied with their appearance, and that is exactly the type of clientele that walked through the door. As well, most of his female staff had received various elective procedures from the doctor, so the staff looked younger than they were too.

It goes without saying, that for any business related to health, beauty and fitness, a wonderful addition to the products and services for clients is to make the actual physical location as balanced as possible.

Author: Kartar Diamond
Company: Feng Shui Solutions ® since 1992
From the Health and Persona1 Matters Blog Series