As an occasional contributing author to a couple of well known websites, I am regularly forwarded Feng Shui articles written by others, since I’m on a list to also receive them. Most of the time, unfortunately, the articles have been written by a sincere but misguided novice who continues to perpetuate Feng Shui myths. And some of the time, the articles have been written by people just trying to sell unnecessary stuff in the name of Feng Shui.

How is a person to know truth from fiction? How is the non-professional supposed to distinguish what is real and verifiable versus an old wives’ tale? Of course I count myself as one reliable source, both through my published materials and on-going Newsletter, monthly since 1996. Questions are ALWAYS welcome and often end up as good Newsletter topics to share with others.

Two of the most enduring Feng Shui beliefs will be covered here: one true and one false. The false belief that gets perpetuated time and time again is the notion that having the number 4 in your address is unlucky. Just last month, an emailer asked me if they could just add an extra number to their physical address in order to improve the “Feng Shui numerology.” Numerology is a completely separate predictive art, where the number total of the address is taken into consideration. And I’m NOT knocking numerology. In fact, I consulted with a Western Pythagorean Numerologist in 1998, before I went back to using my maiden name of Diamond. But in Feng Shui folklore, the reason the number 4 has such a bad reputation, is only because the word sounds to the ear very similar to the Chinese word for death.

Having a number 4 in your address, like I have had, has nothing to do with whether your house has good Feng Shui or not. I have also been asked if it matters if the numerical address is posted horizontally or vertically on a building. It might make a difference on some level, but hardly detectable. And there are so many other more important things to consider, that this is never a real concern.

Another popular Feng Shui belief is that you should not have a front door aligned directly with a back door. This one is true, folks! The concept is that energy which enters through the front door can leave too quickly through the back door. The result is that the occupants have more difficulty saving money. It’s actually a very profound concept to ponder: how energy flows through a house can translate to financial luck or lack. However, this one singular design flaw is not the only reason to pass on a house. In fact, this is one of the easiest flaws to fix. You can create inconspicuous ways to re-direct the qi flow.

One way is to have an entry table in the foyer, between a front door and a back door or back window. Live plants and water features can also re-direct the path of qi. But with plants and water, we have to be more careful about placement since these are two of the five natural elements used for other purposes in a feng shui audit. Other items which could buffer qi flow include lamps, a standing screen, and hanging lighting fixtures between the two points of entry and exit.

Author: Kartar Diamond
Company: Feng Shui Solutions ®
From the Myths and Misinformation Blog Series