We are living in times where the push is to become a cashless society. We are using technology and Apps to make our lives easier and many have totally embraced the use of transferring money on-line and paying for everything with a credit card or App. While some remain justifiably suspicious about the push to become a cashless society, this change does seem inevitable.

There is a feng shui remedy called the Lu Cun Lucky Money Bowl where a person is to place a spare change bowl in a certain part of the house, based on that person’s birth date. Regular, if not daily, coin and paper money donations can be made in that spot to attract more wealth luck and I call it the “Cosmic Savings Account.”

There are already some other ways to use the Lu Cun (loo choon) Lucky Money spot, besides placing a bowl there for spare change. In some special circumstances, one can create a meditation or prayer altar in that area, make it a sacred spot in the home, and do some spiritual rituals there on certain days related to your birth data.

Those days will change from year to year based on other Chinese Astrology Date Selection calendars. It is an area that can also be activated when your home is in alignment with a construction site. It can help you avoid some hardships as a result of being in direct alignment with what we call “sha qi.” (Bad energy which can make us accident-prone or more vulnerable to health problems.) There are also activities that can be done in the Lu Cun direction OUTSIDE on certain days to also help avoid a problem or even create a financial windfall.

While I don’t suggest placing your cell phone in your Lu Cun spot, I am sure that there will be other creative things practitioners may discover as alternative ways to activate that area. We also have Lu Cun Lucky money days which we can utilize for higher chances of making money and good days to sign contracts with long term financial consequences.

My feng shui friend noticed that people whose homes were “sitting” in their personal Lu Cun direction seemed to be more affluent. I checked my files and noticed one of my wealthiest clients has that kind of house too. We could also extrapolate that if a person can sleep with their head pointing to their Lu Cun direction that there may be some benefit, just as entering a house or business location through their “Lu Cun” lucky money door. These architectural features need to be naturally occurring, unless you are building a structure with feng shui principles right from the start.

Everyone has a Lu Cun Lucky Money time of day also. Mine happens to be between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. That is usually when I send out my monthly newsletter and it is also how I partly built my career by teaching classes that start during that time frame.

Of course, there are many other ways to activate financial luck through your home or business that have nothing to do with the Lu Cun day or direction. This is one of the many blessings of Feng Shui, as there are numerous remedies for wealth, health and relationships. And almost everyone can take advantage of a few of these remedies, if not most.

Author: Kartar Diamond
Company: Feng Shui Solutions ®
From the Income, Money Matters and Career Blog Series