Both home and work spaces affect your income potential.
Your immediate environment impacts personal and professional interactions.
Your physical surroundings influence your body, mind and spirit.
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Principles of Feng Shui by Simon Brown Book Review from Kartar Diamond
Simon Brown’s Principles of Feng Shui promises on the cover to be “the only introduction you’ll ever need.” Published in 1996, Brown’s offering clocks in at 125 pages and briskly covers some of the fundamentals of Feng Shui theory. Brown uses a lot of analogies, such as describing chi flow [...]
Can Feng Shui Predict You’ll Have Bad Neighbors? by Kartar Diamond
Sometimes a person loves their home and their neighborhood, except for one thorn in their side: an obnoxious or even litigious neighbor. The harassment can be enough to make a person want to move. And depending on how legalistic the feud has become, you may even have to disclose to [...]
Are There Bad Times for a Feng Shui Consultation? by Kartar Diamond
Feng Shui appointments are usually scheduled at a time that is mutually possible for consultant and client. For a long time, my child custody schedule and Los Angeles traffic dictated when I would see a client back in the early days. And yet, are there objectively good or bad days [...]
“While her customer service is impeccable, the best part about Kartar is her straight-forward, no-nonsense and thorough consultation.”
“When you came over, my dog had a bad rash all over her body and they started finding new types of tumors under her skin. After I followed your recommendations, her health improved and the tumors vanished.”
“I appreciate so much your help when I was going through a custody battle. I was declared the sole legal parent of my kids and was able to move back to my hometown. It’s amazing how Feng Shui does change things!”
“Kartar, you always exceed my expectations. I like your design ideas better than the architect’s!”
“Bless you for all your house hunting advice! It was actually fun and very insightful, and now I’m in a great space!”
“Thank you for re-instating my confidence in the authenticity of Feng Shui. I brought you in as a second opinion and will use your services exclusively from now on.”