A very common feng shui remedy is the use of Metal objects in a room. The purpose is to balance out a magnetic field in a room if there is either a negative form of earth “chi” or when water chi needs to be strengthened. (This can only be determined with classical feng shui calculations.  It is nothing you can detect with your eyes.)

The water chi is associated with the kidneys, blood, circulation, ears, prostate, bladder and glands in general.  One type of negative earth chi can contribute to problems associated with digestive or reproductive problems or the spleen.  The other type of negative earth chi can be associated with problems of the skin, cells (including cancer) or act as a general irritant to other energies in the room, which by themselves are not harmful.  As an example, there is a positive type of earth chi associated with the bones and muscles, but when it joins forces with the negative forms of earth chi, then there can be significant bone or muscle problems.  There is also a type of metal chi which is harmless on its own, but when combined with the negative earth chi, it can result in upper body, respiratory or head region problems.

Where it is needed, I often tell people the more metal they add to a room, the better (in sheer pounds of it.) Copper, brass, and bronze are the Metals most frequently recommended in my feng shui consultation, but other types of metal can work also.

Completely separate from the vast body of knowledge known as feng shui, there are gem and crystal experts who have documented that the wearing of certain metals (as in jewelry or maintaining close to the body) will also improve certain health conditions. Sometimes tinctures of these metals are made and taken internally. I find this universality of information fascinating and will list some of the healing benefits of a few metals. You can see the direct complement to feng shui.  The following descriptions are taken from a book called “Love Is In the Earth” by Melody, a long time expert on the effects of crystals, gemstones, and minerals.

COPPER:  Used to stabilize and balance the flow of blood, increase circulatory functions, cleanse wounds, fight bacterial infections. Also used in the treatment of arthritis, bursitis, rheumatism and to stimulate metabolic processes.

IRON: Can be used in the treatment of blood disorders, muscular atrophy, sore throat, gall and kidney stones, internal bleeding. Can be used to strengthen the reproductive system.

GOLD: Uses include improved digestion, circulation, breathing, skin cancer, blood disorders, pneumonia, vascular  diseases, heart disease, eye problems, paralysis, skin disorders, tuberculosis, spinal problems, rejuvenate endocrine system, assist in absorption of vitamins and minerals, regeneration of tissue and skeletal structure, to treat conditions associated with autism, dyslexia, epilepsy, and physical coordination.

SILVER: Helps to cleanse body via the pores, eliminate toxins at cellular level, treatment of hepatitis, increase assimilation of vitamin A and E, and ameliorate disorders associated with unstable vision.

PYRITE: Can be used to assist prevention of RNA/DNA damage as well as repair, treatment of bursitis, disorders of the lungs, violent or highly infectious disease, reduce fevers and inflammation.

Aside from physical benefits, metals can also provide emotional and intellectual insights, and spiritual strengths, especially when used in conjunction with other stones.


Author: Kartar Diamond

Company: Feng Shui Solutions ®

From the Feng Shui Theory Blog Series