When it comes to applying Feng Shui wealth remedies, I have seen the biggest results with clients who were self-employed or who owned their own businesses. There seems to be the greatest opportunity, naturally, for the income to go up or down.

So, what happens when you apply a prosperity remedy and you are on a set salary or wage?  How can a prosperity remedy work when you are retired? I have seen a variety of results with clients and they can even be dramatic.

Sometimes the increase in income is through other sources besides the primary job. People have investments or sometimes benefit from other business opportunities to participate in. Inheritances count for increased income, sometimes the most substantial windfall in a lifetime.  I’ve had several clients when the Lottery, in excess of a half million dollars and another client who won a big jackpot on a TV game show.  Wealth can come from any direction.

These days, everyone knows it can be just as good to save money as make money. And sometimes the prosperity can manifest as debts forgiven or money that was long owed finally paid on. People often have the prospect of big legal fees that go away or circumstances which can change with financial consequences.

Feng Shui remedies for increasing wealth can include:

During several economic down-turns over the last three decades, I had several clients remark that they felt their Feng Shui prosperity remedies were helping them simply stay employed, when fellow co-workers were being let go. This is completely in sync with businessmen who use Feng Shui as their secret weapon to stay ahead of their competitors.

Prosperity is also a state of mind and no one can be completely prosperous or reach their ultimate potential if they exist in a state of fear.  One example of fear is when people sabotage their prosperity by feeling unnecessarily threatened by others in their professional field. I have a strong belief that your clients, patients and customers have a karmic relationship with you and the people you are meant to help and serve will come to you naturally.

Author: Kartar Diamond

Company: Feng Shui Solutions ®

From the Income, Money Matters and Career Blog Series