The term “good feng shui” implies good energy or an environment that is conducive to health and well-being.  Much of the information regarding what constitutes good feng shui involves what we can actually see with our eyes.

But all the senses are involved and the sounds which we are commonly exposed to can be considered good or bad feng shui.

  • Harsh, grating noises are to be avoided at all times.
  • The disturbing sounds we encounter can be machinery-generated as well as the human voice.  Listening to neighbors who argue can be extremely stressful.
  • Examples of sounds that make us weary include freeway traffic, honking horns, police and ambulance sirens. This is why living too close to a hospital or police station is to be avoided.
  • Living too close to an airport is obviously another sound problem.
  • Places that are TOO quiet can make people lonely and alienated.
  • Some people naturally WANT to be in a noisy, lively environment so there is a subjective aspect to this as well.
  • The sound of water can be very soothing, although it should not be extremely noisy either. Water which moves too fast and furious can be worse feng shui than no water at all.
  • The sound of strong winds can make people irritable and if the sound of the wind is similar to a moaning or wailing, that is an omen of something negative to happen.
  • Sweet, melodious, singing birds are an indication of good, healthy land.
  • The sound of moving metal, such as chimes and bells, can be a powerful feng shui remedy for canceling out energies associated with accidents or illness.  Perhaps this is one reason why places of worship routinely ring bells and gongs.

Sounds are vibrations that affect us in a multitude of ways.  People who chant sacred mantras experience altered states of consciousness by repeating these certain sound sequences. It sets up an energy field in an around us which can attract or repel other vibrations. It is always obvious to me when I am in the home of someone who chants because there is a kind of crispness in the air and everything in the house appears more vibrant.

  • It is also ideal to play classical music and mantra meditation music in a house on a regular basis as a way of purifying the environment.
  • Good sounds can also be used to help drown out harsher sounds.
  • In a whole other realm of research and influence, you can look up the phenomenon of E.L.F.’s (Extremely Low Frequencies). There is debate about whether or not ELF’s are harmful to humans or animals in any capacity at all. One has to wonder about any source which dismisses entirely all potential harm from ELF’s. All this to say that if we can be effected by energy we can’t see, including by Feng Shui standards, then for sure we can be effected by energy we cannot hear.  Some people cannot hear the ELF’s but they can feel them.

Author: Kartar Diamond

Company: Feng Shui Solutions ®

From the Health and Personal Matters Blog Series