Each direction represents different energies that can affect us physically, financially, and emotionally. The actual direction of West (248-292 degrees) is associated with the element Metal. This does NOT mean that you should automatically put metal in the west section of your house, but the West will always inherently have a background metal-type influence.

As an example, in 2002 the direction of West was visited by the annual 9 fire.  Since fire melts metal (destroys it), the remedying element for that area could be earth.  Earth is used in this case as a “reductive” element because it reduces fire and enhances metal at the same time. This is an oversimplification of Five Element Theory because there is always more “going on” in the West sector (and any direction) than just its signature element.

The direction of West is associated with the mouth, teeth, jaw, and chest area.  If there is something going on in the west sector of your house that is really bad feng shui, it could affect any family member in the body areas just listed.


  • A crumbling chimney in the west sector (all relative to the center of your house).
  • A big crack in the wall or cracked pavement to the west sector of the house.
  • Something negative just OUTSIDE the west sector, such as an eyesore or construction site.

The West direction is also associated with the youngest daughter in the family symbolism.

If a home were missing the entire west sector of the house (based on the floor plan shape), then it is likely that the youngest daughter in the house may have some problems.

During any Period 7, the direction of West is especially positive.  The last Period 7 we had was from 1984-2004.  The next Period 7 will not start again until 2164!

If someone had a house built during a Period 7 cycle, which faces west, then the house could be especially good for money success.  In the last Period 8, the strongest direction was Northeast. In Period 9 (2024-2044), the strongest direction is South.

If someone builds a house facing the current strongest direction, the occupants can enjoy a little advantage in financial luck.  If the house is backed up, sitting in the strongest direction, it can give the occupants a little more energy to support their health and relationships. These are subtle notations about a house and its potential impact on occupants; there are many layers to consider and there are some features that will over-ride others.

For example, if you have a South facing house in the current Period 9 (2024-2044), this alone can help the occupants be more successful. However, there could be undermining aspects going on in the outside environment, and also room placement could reveal if the most important rooms further help or hinder the occupants’ luck.

Author: Kartar Diamond

Company: Feng Shui Solutions ®

From the Feng Shui Theory Blog Series