According to Nine Star Ki, sometimes called Japanese Astrology, which takes some of its formulas from feng shui, each year there are good, bad and neutral directions that you could move to. Firstly, you need a crash course in the five elements: water, wood, fire, earth, and metal.  Each element has a particular relationship with the other elements.

As an example, Water is nurtured by Metal.  Water then does the nurturing to Wood.  Water can destroy fire or be dominated by Earth.  In any given year, the eight basic directions will be governed by an annual influence and those annual influences are related to an element as well.

Here is a key to the relationships of the elements:

  • Water strengthens Wood
  • Wood strengthens Fire
  • Fire strengthens Earth
  • Earth strengthens Metal
  • Metal strengthens Water


  • Water destroys Fire
  • Fire destroys Metal
  • Metal destroys Wood
  • Wood destroys Earth
  • Earth destroys Water


Example:  Back in 2003, the direction of North had a metal influence.  If you are a Wood person based on the feng shui Trigram system, then moving North in 2003 would have had a dominating affect on you because Metal can destroy Wood.  Keep in mind that these directions are fairly precise.  North is not at all the same as northeast or northwest.  And it is all relative to where you have been living and where you want to move.

As an example:  If you live in San Diego and move to Los Angeles, that could be pretty much a northerly move.  But if you lived in Torrance and moved to Malibu, that would be a northwesterly move.  To be precise, you want to look at a map and draw a straight line from one point to the next.

Whatever your Personal Trigram is, which reveals your essential element, try not to move in a direction where the yearly element associated with that direction will have a dominating affect on you.  The element that visits each direction will change every year. You need to know how to “float the numbers” or “fly the stars” to obtain the information you need. The pattern is coming up in this article.

For 2024, the annual influence for each direction is as follows:

  • Earth visits North
  • Metal visits NE
  • Water visits East
  • Earth visits SE
  • Metal visits South
  • Fire visits SW
  • Earth visits West
  • Wood visits NW


In order to know what element you are, refer to this chart:


Birth Year Number, Element, Trigram, Direction
1950, 1959, 1968, 1977, 1986, 1995, 2004

2013, 2022, 2031

5 Earth  (no trigram-symbolic of “center”)
1951, 1960, 1969, 1978, 1987, 1996, 2005

2014, 2023, 2032

4 Wood    Xun trigram-Southeast
1952, 1961, 1970, 1979, 1988, 1997, 2006

2015, 2024, 2033

3 Wood     Zhen trigram- East
1953, 1962, 1971, 1980, 1989, 1998, 2007

2016, 2025, 2034

2 Earth      Kun trigram-Southwest
1954,  1963, 1972, 1981,1990, 1999, 2008

2017, 2026, 2035

1 Water     Kan trigram-North
1955,  1964, 1973, 1982, 1991, 2000, 2009

2018, 2027, 2036

9 Fire         Li trigram-South
1956,  1965, 1974, 1983, 1992, 2001, 2010

2019, 2028, 2037

8 Earth       Gen trigram-Northeast
1957,  1966, 1975, 1984, 1993, 2002, 2011

2020, 2029, 2038

7 Metal       Dui trigram-West
1958,  1967, 1976, 1985, 1994, 2003, 2012

2021, 2030, 2039

6 Metal       Qian trigram-Northwest


Very Important NoteThe year of birth is based on a Solar calendar which commences on February 4th, NOT January 1st.  So if you were born between January 1st-February 3rd, then it makes you one year older.  Example:  If you were born January 14th, 1969 then you must consider yourself born in 1968.

**On the Birth Year Chart, you will see a number in the second column associated with the year. That is the number (aka star) placed in the “center.”  Then you proceed to post a number (in an ascending order) in the following pattern:

NW, West, NE, South, North, SW, East, Southeast.

Example: in 2026, the center Year star will be 1 water (in the center). Then what follows is:

NW=2, W=3, NE=4, South=5, North=6, SW=7, East=8, SE=9


Example: A 1 Water star person (based on year of birth) wants to move southwest of where they have been living in 2026. A 1 Water person moving to a 7 Metal direction for that year.  Metal nurtures Water so that can be an empowering direction for them to move in 2026.

The goal is to move in a direction that nurtures your own Element, or at least a neutral direction, such as a Wood person moving to a Wood direction.  The goal is also to not move in a direction where the element in that direction for the year dominates your own element.

Do a comparison for the annual influence in relation to your personal element. Calculate moves you have made in years past and see if it correlates with an easy or difficult move.

For instance, let us say you are the Number 2 trigram, which is Earth.  This year, the NW is visited by Wood energy.  This would not be a good direction to move for the Earth person because Wood can dominate Earth.  On the other hand, Fire nurtures Earth and specific to 2024, the Fire element visits  Southwest.  For the Earth person, moving Southwest in 2024 could have a nurturing affect for the Earth trigram person.

By comparing a person’s Personal element with the element associated with any direction for the year, you can see if it will be a favorable direction or not to move to.

Each year, the direction is associated with a number (element) that descends as the years go forward.  Example:  If South in 2024 is associated with 7 metal, then in 2025 the south will be associated with 6 star because there are nine single digits that cycle through and repeat themselves. In 2026, the south will host the number 5, in 2027 it will be the number 4, etc.  This descending pattern is consistent with ALL the directions.

What do you do if you have no choice but to move in a direction that can have a dominating effect on you?  There are several ways you can mitigate the poor yearly timing.  You could choose a good MONTH to move, using the same principles with monthly stars and their associated elements.  You can also choose a good DAY to move based on your Chinese Zodiac sign or even Nine Star Ki DAILY cycles.

Another “trick of the trade” is to alter your route so that instead of going from Point A to Point B, you could  create a detour and stop in your move, so that you do one leg of the trip on Day One and then continue on with a more positive direction for the trip on the following day.  People do this with connecting flights if they are not driving.

If  this all sounds confusing and you don’t have an interest in studying this yourself, allow me to help you. I’m a practicing Nine Star Ki consultant and I can assist you in little time.

Author: Kartar Diamond

Company: Feng Shui Solutions ®

From the Nine Star Ki Blog Series