Feng Shui-Centrifugal and Centripetal Energy by Kartar Diamond

You may have heard the saying that “The shortest distance between two points is a straight line.” That concept might get turned on its head when we become more conversant about how factors of time and gravity influence distance, but for now we can appreciate that this […]

By |2020-08-21T11:35:02-07:00September 16th, 2019|Comments Off on Feng Shui-Centrifugal and Centripetal Energy by Kartar Diamond

Defining and Dissecting the L-Shaped House by Kartar Diamond

There are different L-Shaped houses according to Feng Shui theory and different ways to grid them out for their respective eight directional zones. The true L-shaped house has two long wings connected at a right angle. That connective area, like an elbow of an arm, can hold a lot of stress and affect the occupants […]

By |2020-08-21T11:36:21-07:00September 11th, 2019|Comments Off on Defining and Dissecting the L-Shaped House by Kartar Diamond

Feng Shui and Politics by Kartar Diamond

Photo by Zhang.

One can wonder how much Feng Shui influences a political career. Back in the early 1990’s when I was a new Feng Shui practitioner, I saved an article from a major magazine, which mentioned the “feng shui” of the Oval office. My memory is […]

By |2020-08-21T11:39:29-07:00August 27th, 2019|Comments Off on Feng Shui and Politics by Kartar Diamond

Case Study of My Own Home by Kartar Diamond

I moved to a new home as of June 2019. Perhaps I will write up a Case Study on the home I lived in from 2002-2019, but I’ll start with the new abode. Many of my clients are curious as to what kind of Feng Shui I […]

By |2020-08-21T11:42:40-07:00July 3rd, 2019|Comments Off on Case Study of My Own Home by Kartar Diamond

What Is A Feng Shui Case Study? by Kartar Diamond

Photo by Rawpixel.com

As with many subjects and disciplines, a case study is an opportunity to observe or apply the theories relevant to the given discipline and note how those theories manifest or respond in a real life situation.

The same is true with Feng Shui, an ancient discipline […]

By |2020-08-21T11:45:17-07:00July 2nd, 2019|Comments Off on What Is A Feng Shui Case Study? by Kartar Diamond

Eight House Types Versus Four House Types by Kartar Diamond

Photo by Michael Tuszynsla

There are different Schools of Feng Shui and different ways to categorize House types. These distinctions mostly have to do with orientation, timing, or a combination of both.

In the Ba Zhai School of Feng Shui, as well as others, we have Eight House Types […]

By |2020-08-21T11:46:55-07:00May 28th, 2019|Comments Off on Eight House Types Versus Four House Types by Kartar Diamond

Size and Distance Comparisons in Feng Shui Theory by Kartar Diamond

When it comes to making adjustments to one’s home or work place, questions often come up in regards to “how much?” as in how much water to use, how much metal, and how much fire color to use. Quantity is a big topic and we can assume […]

By |2020-08-21T11:48:57-07:00May 23rd, 2019|Comments Off on Size and Distance Comparisons in Feng Shui Theory by Kartar Diamond

Missing Sectors Vs. Partially Missing Sectors by Kartar Diamond

In the floor plan sample attached to this article, we see that there are several partially missing or mostly missing directional sectors.

What can be the influence of a missing directional sector of a home? Each of the eight basic directions is related to a family member and […]

By |2020-08-21T11:51:09-07:00February 9th, 2019|Comments Off on Missing Sectors Vs. Partially Missing Sectors by Kartar Diamond

A Spiritual Phenomenon In Your Apartment Building by Kartar Diamond

Feng Shui practitioners sometimes talk shop and debate concepts and practices from distinct schools or traditions. For example, some Feng Shui Schools teach that a house will manifest unique energy based on when it was built, while another School will interpret a house based on when the […]

By |2020-08-21T11:53:14-07:00January 23rd, 2019|Comments Off on A Spiritual Phenomenon In Your Apartment Building by Kartar Diamond

Feng Shui and Magnetic Pole Shift by Kartar Diamond

When asked about the ever-moving magnetic North pole, it motivates me to find out what is the latest research and opinions. And recently, there have been more reports coming out of the scientific community about the increasing rate of speed with which the magnetic poles are moving. […]

By |2020-08-21T11:57:09-07:00January 12th, 2019|Comments Off on Feng Shui and Magnetic Pole Shift by Kartar Diamond
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