In the same way that the human race has been experiencing the affects of gravity before we even understood what gravity is, all people and animals on this planet experience Feng Shui whether they know it or not. And as an extension of that, a person who does not believe in the principles or applications will still benefit, in spite of their non-beliefs.
As a consultant who has advised many families and work forces, there are often one or more persons included in the analysis who does not know that Feng Shui measures are being done on their behalf. And there may even be someone who is specifically opposed to it or just uninterested. In fact, sometimes these folks get the most spectacular results and they always provide the best “blind” case studies.
As one memorable “Before/After” report, my clients put a corrective element under the bed of their teenage daughter, who was having a lot of behavioral problems. The teenager had no idea this adjustment had been made on her behalf. Days later, the parents called me to say happily, “We’ve had a personality change!”
Concerned wives have also placed remedies in the home to help their husbands triumph over their legal problems or other business woes. The husbands may have chalked up the positive turn of events to their own efforts or just coincidence, but the wives felt it was a direct correlation with the Feng Shui remedies, even as their spouse was unaware.
Even after decades of exposure in the Western world, many Americans still think that Feng Shui is a belief system, generated out of Buddhism or Taoism and that it is exclusive or only relevant to Asian culture. I’ve even had my race questioned before being hired, because some people have perpetuated the notion that you have to be Chinese in order to practice Feng Shui. This makes about as much sense as thinking you have to be American to play jazz music.
As a comparison, I was once asked in an interview if there is any down side to someone believing in Feng Shui. Can too much knowledge be harmful? I don’t think so, although some people end up forgetting that we still have some Free Will. Feng Shui does not cause everything to happen. In fact, some clients are disappointed that they cannot blame certain problems they are having on the Feng Shui of their environment. Feng Shui is only part of the total picture, competing with destiny, free will, and other forces we have no control over, such as genetics.
You don’t want to take all the good information available and then have it paralyze you to not be pro-active and enjoy life. In fact, there is a new medical term called “orthorexia” and it describes people who have an unhealthy obsession with eating healthy. So, no sensible teacher or Feng Shui practitioner wants to see their student or client suffer from “Feng-Shui-orexia” which might be the unhealthy obsession with trying to balance every area all the time.
The only reasonable advantage a “believer” might have over a “non-believer” is that the person who is positive about Feng Shui may notice some subtle changes that a “non-believer” will not notice or acknowledge. This can help a person fine-tune their own remedies. Feng Shui can sometimes be subtle or work slowly over time, and like a scientist who takes note of all the variables in their experiment, someone who is positive about Feng Shui will probably have an easier time correlating cause and affect since they have a vested interested in paying attention.
Author: Kartar Diamond
Company: Feng Shui Solutions ®
From the Frequent Client Questions Blog Series