Remote Consultation

The obvious question is, “Aren’t you missing a lot by not being here in person?”
To answer that question, we agree that an in-person consultation might be better sometimes, but what about people who live in areas where there is no experienced or highly trained local feng shui consultant? And what if you cannot afford to bring Kartar out in-person? Even though there are many enthusiastic dabblers, the truth is that there are relatively few classically trained, full-time consultants and they are spread far and wide.
Feng Shui Solutions provides a Consumer Tip Guide that can be emailed to you if you request it. It has a series of questions you can ask a local consultant to get a sense of whether or not you are going to get comprehensive, authentic advice. All too often Kartar is brought in as a second opinion, where the client complains that a former consultant hardly told them anything of value but charged a lot of money nonetheless.
About 90% of the analysis is based on things visually evident in photos or on floor plans. Kartar was one of the first Feng Shui consultants to provide long distance consultations online and anything in the environment that may not be evident from photos, such as a noisy neighbor or a damp house, can be brought forth in discussions with Kartar.
Kartar respects her professional peers who refuse to provide long distance reports, but she knows that she can do them with a clear conscience because of the feedback she has received from so many about how accurate they are.
If you are interested in a remote consultation, just email Kartar and you will be sent a check list of each thing you need to do in order to prepare for it. Response time in doing the analysis is usually just a few days after receiving all the materials needed.
Please contact Kartar directly for a unique quote based on the scope of the project.
Kartar, you continue to be a Feng Shui super star. When I called to say I was relocating to Panama City, Panama and asked if you could help me find the perfect place to live, as you have done so many times since the mid 1990s, you said, “Of course!” I was so worried that you wouldn’t be able to do the amazing thing you do with Feng Shui that far away. You were all ready with your Google aerials and made yourself ultra available sending sometimes as many as ten or twelve emails back and forth the same evening of the day I had seen lots of apartments and was trying to make decisions on the ones that might be in the running.
Even though I make real estate agents crazy walking around with my compass and telling them I can’t live here or there because the front door sits in this direction or that direction, you are a super star and I wouldn’t live anywhere you didn’t figure out was an auspicious place for me to live. After 6-months of living in this apartment I initiated a 2-year lease extension to insure that I would be able to stay here. That is how right everything about this apartment and this neighborhood is.Your expertise and wise counsel over the years has enabled me to rent and buy houses and condos that felt like home and were good for money and health and love; not move into an office with a 20-year money lock on it; and buy a home with my husband, Mark, that was the perfect home for both of us. And the annual updates are invaluable! Everyone should understand that in addition to taking good care of our bodies, minds and spirits by paying attention to the foods we eat, the products we clean our homes with and the exercise we choose that keeps our bodies strong and healthy, it is absolutely essential to insure that our living and working spaces are in alignment with and support our personal energy.Feng Shui is to our outside Selves like fitness, stress-management, and organic fruits and vegetables are to our inside Selves. We are only taking care of one half of our Selves if we don’t insure the balance and harmony of our living spaces. And YOU are synonymous with the art and science of Feng Shui at its finest!Thank you for all your wisdom and knowledge and for the expertise and professionalism you bring to every thing you do.
—Jackie Black, Ph.D, BCC
US Expat living in Panama City, Panama