Design Phase Projects

Why create a master bedroom addition that looks great, but which will over time, undermine your health or relationships? Why build a house facing a certain direction when shifting it a mere 5 degrees on the lot could make the difference between a house that is supportive for financial luck and one that isn’t? Why expand a really negative part of the house when you could just as easily enlarge a positive part of the house? If you are gutting the house and removing the roof, what kind of new energy will you create?
Kartar’s design phase services also include the best time to break ground. This helps ease the stress and strain of any building project and helps reduce delays, injuries to workers or aggravations to the occupants if they are living on the premises during remodel or construction.
If you have the ability to first choose the land where you will build, that can also be factored into a local or long distance evaluation. Kartar has had so many experiences with architects and designers that she felt the need to create an e-book, Feng Shui Tips for Architects and Designers, to help clarify the role of Feng Shui in a collaborative project.
—Phil Johnstone