What is the Feng Shui Case Study Club?
The Feng Shui Case Study Club started out as an email-based mentoring program, which addresses advanced Feng Shui questions and circumstances. Case Studies include illustrations, floor plans and photos to enhance the understanding of each topic. Case Study Titles and descriptions listed below.
These case studies have since become the Advanced Series in Kartar’s School of Traditional Feng Shui. Kartar still wanted to make individual titles available to those who are just interested in one topic and to get a flavor for what they are like.

We learned by real examples how to apply the theories and we also had alternating Society Meetings in the classroom where theory applications could be explored on a deeper level. Once a Feng Shui student learns the “rules,” they also need to learn about the exceptions to the rules, and even how to break the rules. It is actually essential for anyone who aspires to be a professional consultant, to have on-going support and case study experiences.
The idea for the Feng Shui Case Study Club came about naturally after having thoroughly benefited from the Monthly Society Meetings which Kartar attended and seeing the obvious need for it for others, especially those who are studying on-line around the world and have no local Feng Shui community to rely on for “continuing education.”
Kartar has answered thousands of questions from students of all levels as well as providing private mentoring to other practitioners who have wanted input on their own challenging projects. The more you learn, the more questions come up and the more nuanced the analysis can be.
Case Study Titles and Descriptions
Each Case Study varies in length, and averages about 20+ pages.
Case Studies can be purchased as an Instant Download in our online store HERE.
1. Feng Shui and Retail Spaces
This case study explores the priorities made in a retail space, which is quite different from a residence or other types of businesses. We can also interpret the flying stars specifically for retail enterprises and how each flying star is best suited to certain types of commerce.
2. Poison Arrows Case Study
The term poison arrow scares people, and while it should not be taken literally, this is a common concern and topic in the area of Qi Flow. Being on the receiving end of a design flaw called a “poison arrow” can cause a variety of problems. This case study looks at the scale of the poison arrow as well as remedies for buffering the poison arrow’s impact.
3. All the Remedies for a Locked Phase
Houses go through cycles, some better than others. The “Locked” or “Imprisoned” Phase can cause occupants a lot of problems, and yet there are a number of ways to deal with the Locked Phase. Traditional Feng Shui courses offer some solutions right away, but other techniques, such as ones discussed in this case study, are kept more guarded because they contradict the learning materials given to beginning students.
4. The Round House
This case study also deals with a shape that is not common or an every day occurrence in our world. And yet, like a doctor who needs to know about a rare disease in case a patient ever has it, the highly trained Feng Shui practitioner needs to know how to correctly evaluate the round house.
5. What’s Right about the “Wrong” House
Classical Feng Shui students learn right away about the four major house types, with the “Reversed” house aka “shang shan xia shui” being unnecessarily feared. This case study breaks down the priorities one should have in assessing this house type and my unique perspective on Reversed Houses, after having assessed this house type thousands of times.
6. The Ins and Outs of Sitting and Facing
Students and consultants will often learn about the concept of sitting and facing in a very rigid or limited way. Other insights might come in bits and pieces. This case study aims to cover all the aspects to take into consideration when determining the not-so-obvious front and back of a property. If the Sitting and Facing are not understood correctly, a major part of the analysis may be undermined with faulty application applied.
7. Conflicting Flying Stars
This case study breaks down the process of comparing and treating flying star potentials when they are in direct conflict with each other. An element you would normally use with a certain an annual star could be in direct conflict with the mountain dragon or water dragon adjustment made for long term reasons. This case study explores how you can come to the best solution or compromise.
8. Exceptions to the Rule Case Study
This case study is a mixture of examples in how to handle situations that cannot be treated in the normal textbook way. Rules to be broken include topics related to optimal qi flow, including outside space in a flying star chart, how one normally should use a space, getting something useful out of a negative flying star potential and using water in a compromised location.
9. Feng Shui and Mental Illness
Few, is any formal course of instruction will delve this deeply into how Feng Shui can mirror, if not predict a situation where an occupant has a mental illness or personality disorder. This case study came about after years of documenting my own client files and observations. For many Feng Shui students and consultants, this provides expanded definitions of the flying star combinations.
10. Triangular Shaped Structures and Lots
The triangular shape is an unusual shape for a building, and yet relatively common for a parcel of land. This case study looks at how to divide up the directional sectors of a triangular shaped space as well as discussing the ramifications of remedies.
11. The Magnificent Five Yellow Star
We live in current times when the 5 Yellow Star is assigned only negative attributes or influences on people or places. We gain more respect for the 5 Yellow Star when we realize its omnipotence and omnipresence in so many Feng Shui theories and applications.
12. Construction Sha
Not everyone builds or remodels a home or the landscaping around them, but many people need to do repairs on their existing properties. And many people at some point in time can’t avoid being close to a neighbor’s construction project. There can be negative side effects of doing a construction in the wrong place at the wrong time. This case study shows you how to keep track of the major cycles which can undermine a renovation project and how to compensate for construction which cannot be avoided or postponed.
13. Feng Shui and Ghosts
The phenomenon of ghosts and spirits attached to a property is as mysterious as Feng Shui. This case study reveals common environments for a spirit to get stuck in or haunt a location and some classis Feng Shui solutions for ridding a property of the unwanted entity.
14. Feng Shui for Small Spaces
Small spaces need unique remedies compared to larger homes and commercial establishments, and yet micro-managing a small space can in other areas be very similar to larger floor plans. This case study fleshes out how to professionally analyze the small spaces that many people live or work in.
15. Feng Shui Controversies, Part 1
This first edition of the Feng Shui Controversy series goes over two major ways for dividing up floor plan space and the methodology behind it. Both fall under the umbrella of traditional Feng Shui and both styles have practitioners who stand by their distinct styles. This case study offers my experiences with both methods. Another controversial topic is included here in regards to the creation of the female “gua” and whether or not the branch of Feng Shui which created this separation is a false school.
16. Feng Shui Controversies, Part 2
This case study discusses the time-tested way of evaluating structures based on when they have been built, compared to newer alternatives, including the Date of Occupancy Theory. Just as controversial is the Southern Hemisphere School, created by an Australian practitioner, and which challenges many fundamental aspects of Chinese metaphysics.
17. Mountain Dragons and Water Dragons
Mountain dragons and Water dragons have unique duties and influences. They are usually compared for the elemental qualities attributed to them and then determined to be in a productive or controlling relationship with each other in their respective directional sectors. Above and beyond that, the mountain dragons and water dragons can be treated based on their timeliness, transcending conventional Five Element Theory. Not all classical schools teach this fundamental approach, which includes both interior and exterior adjustments.
18. Challenges and Circumstances for Very Large Homes
What do very large homes have in common with average sized homes and what sets them apart? This Case Study discusses the many considerations for large estates and the people who live in them and remodel them. You will be provided with insight and methodology, so that you can be prepared to handle any large property.
19. Anatomy of the House
How are you affected by the directional zones of your house and the functions of different rooms? What kind of influence does the immediate surrounding environment have, as well as the very construction materials of the structure? This Case Study peels back a whole other layer in evaluating the impact of a house on its occupants.
20. Yin House: Feng Shui for Gravesites
This Case Study is an Introduction to a branch of Feng Shui called Yin Zhai. The guidelines for what constitutes a good grave site are distinct from what you might think, based on your knowledge of Yang House Feng Shui. Gravesite divination is taken very seriously in Chinese culture because the good or bad Feng Shui of the site can affect up to three generations of descendants.
21. Borderline Compass Readings & the Replacement Stars
Not all Feng Shui Schools use the Replacement Star Charts for structures which have indecisive compass readings. It is imperative for a practitioner to become familiar with all methods used to help the people who live in these most challenging circumstances. These “Out of Trigram” houses can contribute to a lot of stress and suffering for the occupants; the Replacement Star Charts can identify the source of problems when the conventional Flying Star chart options don’t ring true.
22. Personal Compatibility with the House
Whether the topic involves quality of sleep, best work desk position, sustaining good relationships, attracting a marriage partner, having an edge in a job interview, improving study habits, these and more are concerns that people have and which Feng Shui practitioners cater to in a typical audit. What may be a good direction for you may not be for someone else, based on individual birth data.
23. 99 Things You Should Know About Your House-The Case Study
This Case Study asks and answers 99 questions which any lay person is entitled to know about the scope of Feng Shui and if it is relevant to their own house. This file used to be a downloadable Free Report just so a potential client could understand the complexity and sophistication of a thorough Feng Shui audit. With more advanced answers added, it became a Case Study for aspiring consultants and an unofficial examination to test one’s knowledge.
24. Feng Shui Applications in the Design-Build Phase
Most of the time, practitioners are reviewing already existing structures with a few or many Feng Shui flaws. Being involved in the design phase can have a huge impact on the health and well-being of the future occupants. Doing things right from the beginning can ensure that very few counter measures will actually even be needed. This case study helps the person who is new to design projects prioritize the order in which to utilize their knowledge and in dealing with anyone involved from client, to architect, to builder.
25. The Nature of Qi, Part 1
This Case Study discusses the concept of Qi and how it is viewed within Chinese metaphysics, above and beyond even the mechanical ways in which we relate to it during a Feng Shui audit. Architectural interpretations and furniture placement are just the end result of trying to manipulate air currents or energy flow. This Case Study also illustrates the origins of the Tai Ji symbol and how the built structure can alter the expansion or contraction of the flying star gridding.
26. Feng Shui and Legal issues
This case study goes over flying star combinations that are often related to legal issues and criminal activity, along with recommendations and formulae for diminishing their influence. Included are two techniques culled from Ba Zhai and from Xuan Kong for being victorious in a lawsuit. Also included is a bonus section on Feng Shui and Gambling Casinos, with real jobs I have worked on and a sample proposal for a Casino project which I did get hired for.
27. A Deeper Understanding of the Luo pan
Here we discuss the origins of various rings on the luo pan (Feng Shui compass), which also acts as an historical time table for the development of Feng Shui over 1,000 years. The Feng Shui compass was invented by the Chinese and its use later as a maritime navigational tool came hundreds of years later for Europe. Even in classical schools, sometimes the only ring discussed is the “24 Mountain Ring,” without much explanation about the other rings. This case study highlights the two main Schools of Feng Shui (San He and San Yuan) and their contribution to the luo pan.
28. Complementary Modalities to Feng Shui
Covered in this case study are thirty different modalities which can be practiced in conjunction with Xuan Kong Fei Xing (Flying Star Feng Shui). Also included are several techniques used to identify when a house is more likely to help the occupants get pregnant or make more money. Which predictive and healing arts are complementary to Feng Shui? And which ones are frequently being incorporated into an audit?
29. Feng Shui and Remodel Additions
What happens to the flying stars when a house doubles in size? What happens when a two-story addition is built onto a one-story house? What happens when a closed off addition is later opened up to the original construction? What happens if the addition sits on lower or higher land levels than the rest of the house? These are some of the many questions answered in this Case Study. The Feng Shui impact of the way we do additions can be challenging to determine, but vital to understand.
30. Feng Shui Controversies, Part 3
This third installment of Feng Shui Controversies deals with misconceptions about the Four Major House Types, the Non-Literal Center Palace, the Ideal Amount of an Elemental Remedy to Use, and Colors as a Feng Shui Remedy. This lesson plan also discussed misconceptions about Timely and Untimely Stars and the Orientation of an Apartment within a Building.
31. Feng Shui for Investment Property
This Case Study advocates a practical approach when dealing with investment property. What you recommend in the way of Feng Shui applications depends on who is the owner and how long they plan to hold onto the investment property. I have worked with individuals and developers in this arena, with both big and small budgets, as well as those purchasing property in communities heavily populated with potential Asian buyers and renters.
32. A Compilation of Articles and Essays by Kartar Diamond
This case study, which exceeds 70 pages, includes 35 of my articles that I cherry-picked out of more than 200 published. I chose this collection because the topics are more nuanced and sophisticated than other articles written for the lay person. The article topics are not featured in any other case studies. Also included: articles on Feng Shui written by others which I had been interviewed for.
33. Locating the Geometric Center
Locating the geometric center of any built structure can be easy for simple shapes and challenging for unusual ones. For the sake of qi distribution and the flying star chart, it is essential to use the geometric center as a reference point. It influences the interiors as well as the exteriors. This Case Study also discusses the difference between geometric center and qi center, as well as some of the charts considered Special House types.
34. Feng Shui for Select Businesses, Part 1
This Case Study focuses on select businesses, such as Yoga and Martial Arts Studios, Doctor’s Offices, Restaurants and a review of a studio apartment turned into a Law Office. Feng Shui principles can apply to any structure, but this lesson plan discusses the different way we treat these types of businesses.
35. Introduction to Nine Star Ki, Part 1
This 28-page report covers some of the foundational basics of the ancient divination system called Nine Star Ki. If there ever was a complementary medium to Feng Shui, Nine Star Ki is it. Here we work with the same 9 stars, so integral to Flying Star Feng Shui. And yet, there are completely separate applications and interpretations.
If you ever wanted to have an expanded understanding of the Eight Trigrams and the 5 Yellow Star, Nine Star Ki will satisfy you on a whole new level.
36. Introduction to Nine Star Ki, Part 2
After you get your toes wet in the Part 1 Case Study, (the interpretations for personal stars and the cycles we all go through every nine years,) this 36-page Part 2 sequel reveals numerous ways in which we can better understand our relationships with other people and a deeper understanding of the individual, based on the combination of their Annual and Month Star. This includes information nowhere to be found in conventional Feng Shui studies and some of the advanced applications I share are not even found in Nine Star Ki books. The forecasting you can do will be for both the person as well as the community at large, even global predictions.