Whether you own a home or not, you may have heard that the real estate market is very hot, for months now. This appears to be nationwide and even in Europe, properties are selling quickly. There can be a number of reasons why: low interest rates in the U.S., people deciding to spend money on a home instead of vacations and things that we cannot do with certainty in a post-COVID world, deciding to invest in a home if work and school are going to be carried out remotely more and more in the future. Additionally, if cash and the U.S. dollar continue to be de-valued, then a “hard” asset like a home can be one of the safer investments a person can make.

There is a great migration going on, with people fleeing urban environments for smaller cities and suburbia, but that also flies in the face of the market being hot everywhere, such as in Los Angeles.

There is always a metaphysical component to these trends. Because the market is so frenzied right now, people are making offers on homes they have not even seen yet.  In my profession, it makes it very stressful to give people quick feng shui reviews on houses, which end up not being available hours later.  One of the services I have provided for decades is house hunting assistance and the internet makes it easy to do remotely.  Routinely, I have a couple of house hunting clients per week, but in May I really had to notice when I had thirteen active house hunting clients all sending me prospective properties to review at once.

I never want to rule out a house based on one flaw, but for some of my clients, there are deal breakers based on their own feng shui experiences and priorities.  For example, some people never want to live in a house that is in a Locked Phase.

I also dissuade clients from getting a house with an indecisive compass reading, such as a house that is right on the line between facing two major directions.  We call them Out of Trigram Houses.

I have some other helpful resources, such as an ebook titled Feng Shui Tips for House Hunters and Feng Shui Tips for Realtors, so the realtor can better understand why their client is rejecting certain houses and what they may be able to do to assist in finding a better house.

When I help people house hunt remotely, I need to know the compass reading, which I look up myself on line, since most people are not experienced with taking compass readings and many compass Apps are faulty. For new developments, I can do a compass reading on a house not yet built or not yet showing up in the satellite photos as long as I have a reference point, such as a street or neighboring house. I also look up when the house was built and it’s critical to know if a house has had substantial additions or remodels. These days, there are usually plenty of photos available on the real estate websites, but the most vital piece of information is to have a to-scale floor plan to review. In trying to cover all bases, I also have an e-booklet on How to Draw a Floor Plan Sketch (without fancy software).


Author: Kartar Diamond

Company: Feng Shui Solutions ®

From the Frequently Asked Questions Blog Series