Many people know that the art and science of feng shui has a predictive quality to it.  A consultant, such as myself, can evaluate a home and determine when something might happen to the occupants based on the “feng shui” of the environment.  As an example, a house might be generally considered lucky for attracting career opportunities to the occupants, but in a certain year that same good energy might be muted or sabotaged.

Another example of timing in conjunction with location could be a scenario where in certain years the occupant might succumb to illness.

Feng Shui calculations and predictions, though general, can also interpret circumstances or events on a larger scale.  We live in what might be referred to as “20- Year Eras” and these eras are associated with the classical trigrams from the I-Ching, also used for every day feng shui diagnosis.  These trigrams represent parts of the body, different types of people, as well as elements.

From 1984-2003, that was a 20-Year Era called “Construction Cycle 7.”  Construction cycle 7 is related to the Dui trigram and that is connected to the mouth and the breasts as body parts. In that era, feng shui experts found it amusing that the development of the cell phone and the internet came into our everyday lives and revolutionized the way people communicate and do business.  The Dui trigram is symbolic of the mouth, so all things related to communication, talking and gossip became more prevalent in that era.

Didn’t it seem like everyone had a talk show or was confessing their “diseases” or demons on a talk show?  Wasn’t it ironic that every president in United States history has had a mistress, but prior to Bill Clinton they did not get exposed or impeached over it. (The gossipy, mouthy, sexual energy of Period 7 may have had something to do with it).

Also relevant to that scandal was Monica Lewinsky’s youth.  The Dui trigram is symbolic of young, flirtatious girls.  The porn industry drives the internet and that was the perfect alliance of sex and hi-tech inventions. Note that breast augmentation surgery went mainstream in Period 7, even as high school seniors requested boob jobs as graduation presents.

The next 20-Year Era was from 2004-2023.  This was Construction Cycle 8, associated with the Gen Trigram.  The Gen trigram is symbolic of the bones, muscles, and the hands and fingers in particular.  In terms of family members, Gen is representative of a youthful male, as compared to the previous era associated with a young girl.

What did we see more of in Period 8: discoveries related to artificial limbs, robots for personal and professional use as well as remote surgeries performed by an electronically controlled hand.  It was the age of the young man so we saw younger world leaders and younger men having more control like former CEO of Twitter Jack Dorsey.

Bill Gates was considered very young when he founded Microsoft and we saw more young men with enormous wealth and influence in Period 8.

Construction Cycle 9 is 2024-2044.  The Li trigram is associated with the eyes and heart.  Perhaps we will see medical breakthroughs regarding heart disease and vision.  The Li trigram is also symbolic of the fire element which is connected to aviation.  Travel will take on a whole new dimension as people move toward personal aircraft (think the Jetsons—it’s coming.)  And finally, the Li trigram represents the middle-aged woman.  We will see a more matriarchal world with more female world leaders.


Author: Kartar Diamond

Company: Feng Shui Solutions ®

From the Philosophical and Metaphysical Musings Blog Series