Debunking Myths and Mastering Space with Feng Shui Expert Kartar Diamond (

On-line resource for all kinds of mystical practices and healers, Mystic Mag offered to interview me and I was all in!  Author Katarina Todorovic asked me about my initial interests in the esoteric arts, first encounters with Master Sang and what I valued most from my studies with him.

We discussed the services I offer and how I address the common myths and superstitions people ask me about.

We also touched on what makes my on-line Feng Shui School so comprehensive and unique.  The article concludes with my take on which are the most important rooms in a home or how a business can be evaluated within in a larger building.

For the whole article, click this link:

Debunking Myths and Mastering Space with Feng Shui Expert Kartar Diamond (

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