After recently advising a client about her 2025 Feng Shui Update, it became apparent that she was still placing a lot of emphasis on the 8 stars in her home. For the past 20 Year Period (2004-2024), the 8 Star in Period 8 was “king.” But now we are in Period 9 (2024-2044) and the 9 star is “king” wherever it shows up in your home.
The Flying Stars created at the time the house was built are more or less stationary in one of the eight directional zones. The annual stars move about, like children playing musical chairs. One of the 9 stars gets “left out” of being positioned in one of the eight directions (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW). That “odd man out” is the center star, which is not really a physical location as much as point of reference for other Feng Shui considerations.
Is the 8 star still a “good” star? Well, it is no longer “Wang” or prime like it was in Period 8. Each star must retire once its own Period has ended. But some stars can remain positive in their influence longer than others, once they leave their throne.
Let’s compare the previous Period 7 from 1984-2004. The qualities and attributes of the 7 star can be very contradictory, even in Period 7. The 7 star may be associated with charming young women, the gift of gab, charisma, sexual seduction and easy money. However, the 7 star is also associated with theft, betrayal, embezzlement or assault. We were not exempt from those negative influences even in Period 7. But once Period 7 ended, the 7 star attributes took a dive to the dark side, swifter than what we can expect from the 8 star.
When the 8 star is not “Wang,” and outside of a Period 8, the negative attributes can also be experienced, to include bone or muscle problems, scoliosis, aches and pains or problems with the hands. What distinguishes the 8 star from most of the other stars is that it is part of an elite group called “The White Stars.” The White Stars are 1, 6, 8, and 9. These are stars which can still exude a positive influence even when they are not “sheng” or “wang” in the Big Cycle of the Stars which complete a full life time each 180 years.
The 8 star is just about the best one of the White Stars and that is why we can still support the 8 Earth star with Fire (Fire Creates Earth), so long as this 8 star is paired with other stars which are not harmed by the Fire element. All stars do go through their “Death and Decay” cycles, but I think we can expect the 8 star to hold up for another decade. This is why I have been referring to the 8 star at the beginning of Period 9 as a “minor” health or wealth star. We can still extract some goodness out of it. The shelf life has been extended.
When you embark on a serious study of the Flying Star School, you become acquainted with all the stars and the cycles they all pass through. No star is exempt from having a negative outcome even when it is “timely” or “prime.” And no star that is untimely will exclusively have negative outcomes either. To determine the real impact of any star, we have to take into account the location of the star, the other permanent stars partnered with it, the use of the space, the annual influence, the Period influence, the exterior influences, and the birth data of the person using the space. Believe it or not, these categories can become second nature for any practitioner with a lot of experience.
With the 8 star in particular, the 8 Mountain Dragon can still be B+ for health and the 8 Water Dragon can still be B+ for wealth luck, for a while longer.
Author: Kartar Diamond
Company: Feng Shui Solutions ®
From the Feng Shui Theory Blog Series