Usually, I write an article on a Feng Shui topic and afterwards I search for a free stock photo that either literally demonstrates the concept or more figuratively nods to the topic. An example of this might be writing an article about Feng Shui Romance remedies and pairing it with a picture of love birds.

With the photo attached to this article, it was the photo that I stumbled upon FIRST before writing the article to explain the photo.  This photo perfectly illustrates a Feng Shui concept that was taught to me in a course about how a house looks and the impact on the occupants.

In one part of the course, it was explained that a house with mismatched windows (not the same shape, size or height-no symmetry with the windows on the facing side) is like a person with a disgruntled facial expression.  Supposedly, this is the house type where the children living there will be angry and/or unhappy.

With the picture provided here, we have a house that appears to be longer on the right-hand side when facing the house from the street side.  Whether or not it is really uneven is not as critical; it is how it looks in this case.  When a house is longer or more substantial on one side, it speaks to the Yin-Yang energy of the house and it conveys whether the man or woman in the house is stronger than the other.  Who rules the roost?

Male energy is related to the Yang (white) part of the Tai Ji symbol. Female energy is related to the Yin (Black) part of the Tai Ji symbol.  When you look at a correct depiction of the Yin Yang symbol, the white masculine part is on the left-hand side and the black feminine part is on the right-hand side.  Don’t jump to the conclusion that the longer side of the house in the photo relates then to the feminine, implying that the female is stronger. 

A vital concept here is to know that when we characterize ANY house, it is the Sitting side which is the real anchor, identity or strength of the house. Therefore, we should holographically superimpose ourselves to the BACK of the property, looking toward the street.  If we are facing the back of the house and visualizing the Ying Yang symbol from that perspective, the long side in this photo example would be on the left-hand side from the back perspective.  The left-hand side of the correct depiction of the Yin Yang symbol (from the back of the house) is the white side, increasingly white towards the top. That is the masculine Solar energy. Therefore, this house favors the man in the house. He can be the boss. Ladies, are you getting this? Keep this principle in your back pocket when house hunting, right?

(Author’s Note: This principle obviously does not speak to a gay couple and instead personifies the historically traditional husband-wife dynamic. Not all feng shui principles are relevant to every person or every family. For example, if a house indicates that the eldest child will have a problem and the couple has no children, then this piece of information is irrelevant.)

Now, I could have just stated: when you face a house from the street, the right side is related to the males in the house.  If it is longer, then the male in the house is stronger than the female.  But here is another concept:  Not all houses face the street.  This is why I am emphasizing the principle that we have to first know what is the sitting side of the house; it might not be the conventional backyard. Houses do not always face the street.  Some houses face magnificent views from the “back” of the property.  If this is the case, it is like a house facing the ocean from the opposite side as the street side. In this scenario, standing on the street side is the sitting side.

Read the Yin Yang symbol from the sitting side perspective.

Author: Kartar Diamond

Company: Feng Shui Solutions ®

From the Architecture and Design Blog Series