There are numerous ways to make yourself and your home more magnetically attractive to wealth and prosperity using feng shui principles.  One way to do that is to take advantage of the changing yearly cycles within your home and to know where the prosperity forces are strongest in any given year.

When an area of your home has a strong prosperity force for the year, you can often access that space (by dwelling in it) to actually absorb that good energy and take it with you wherever you go.  If it just so happens that the good prosperity qi is in your bedroom or a room that you use a lot, naturally it will be easy to benefit from that annual cycle.  Generally, people make more money or receive career promotions when the strong money luck qi is in the bedroom  (since we sleep there a third of our lives) or the main door that you use constantly.

As well, if you have strong annual money force in your home office or a room that you truly use a lot, then it will be equally effective.  What if the annual money forces land in your dining room or living room one year?  Can you utilize that good prosperity qi?  Certainly!  I often tell clients to make important career-related phone calls in a location that has the strongest prosperity luck that year.  People do report a greater effectiveness over the phone or negotiations that ultimately result into some profitable circumstance.  A simple example might be to talk on the phone during a job interview or initial contact in the best prosperity area of the house.

There are in fact “permanent” prosperity areas of a house which can be determined based on when your house was built and what direction it is facing.  But that is beyond the scope of this article.  What is easier to track is the yearly prosperity qi because it is in the same direction for every house in any given year.  All you need to do to locate this good yearly qi is a compass and a reasonably accurate floor plan sketch.

Below is a Chart that shows you where the best Prosperity Qi is in a sampling of years.



















Once you have taken a compass reading of what direction your house faces, then superimpose a nine directional sector gridding over the floor plan that correctly reflects where these directions actually are located. From the chart above, we see that the main wealth star is in the southwest sector for 2024.

Tracking the yearly wealth star is relatively easy, compared to other calculations which must be more precise and factor in the year the structure was built. This is the focus of my third book, The Feng Shui Continuum.

Simply spending more time in that area is also a way to garner more luck, without having to tinker to elements when you don’t have the full picture of what else is going on in that wealth area for the year.  If it were so simple as to just track the singular annual wealth star, I could recommend adding a live plant (Wood Element) to enhance the 9 fire star as the current major wealth star. This is the yearly energy I have charted out for you in the above table chart.  There would also be some cases where using water in this area could be more effective to further enhance the wealth energy.  But those choices are not obvious until more information is gleaned from a high-level audit.

That said, I think we can all agree that just dwelling in a good space can have its benefits. To the contrary, if you sat all day next to a smoker, your health would suffer. If you spend 30 minutes a day in late morning sun, you get a Vitamin D production boost.  So, there is validity to just spending more time in positive zones or circumstances, which is not a small matter.


Author: Kartar Diamond

Company: Feng Shui Solutions ®

From the Income, Money Matters and Career Blog Series