Using the metaphysical practice called Nine Star Ki, a complementary system to Feng Shui, we can see each year when people born in a certain year might have some noteworthy challenges.  This doesn’t make others immune to challenges, but there is always at least one type of person each year who stands out.

In 2025, those born in the 8 Soil Star Year will be positioned in a way that makes them more vulnerable to obstacles or significant events.  The way to determine this is two-fold.

Firstly, those born in an 8 Soil Year include: 1938, 1947, 1956, 1965, 1974, 1983, 1992, 2001, 2009, and 2018.  The Personal (Year of Birth) Star repeats every nine years, but unlike the Ba Zhai School of Feng Shui, both males and females born in the same year are the same Star.

It is also important to know that the Nine Star Ki New Year begins on or about February 4th and not January 1st.  This is based on a Solar Calendar and not the famous Chinese Lunar Calendar. For example, a person born January 5, 1966 would be considered 1965 and therefore be an 8 Soil Star person.   There is a Feng Shui counterpart which is called the 8 Gen trigram.

In Nine Star Ki parlance, there is a phrase coined by Heluo Hill called “Reversed Luo Shu Axis.” When a person’s Birth Year Star is positioned on its “reversed luo shu axis,” we can say in American slang that “the sh*t will hit the fan.”  The actual drama, or lack of it, will also depend on other circumstances beyond the scope of this article.

Take a look at the first chart inserted in this article.  You are not expected to know what all the numbers and their positions mean, but we can zoom in on the 8 star in particular.  The 8 star is inherently associated with its home base direction of Northeast.  And yet, we see that that 8 star in 2025 is sitting in the Southwest.  This is what is “reversed” about the situation.    If you normally live in New York, but you are forced to live in Arizona for one year, you may not feel comfortable. You are not only “away from home,” but you are in the polar opposite direction of your home.  This can create the tension (on a small scale) of North and South pole magnetism.

Just this alone could indicate that the 8 Star person in 2025 will be a “fish out of water,” if I can continue to indulge in metaphors.  When your own Year of Birth Star is on its Reversed Luo Shu Axis, you may be off-kilter, not as focused, irritated, or in a variety of ways disadvantaged.  With older individuals, a health issue could manifest or worsen. With a month-by-month further analysis, more predictions can be made when we see what kind of monthly “guest” will occupy either the Northeast or Southwest positions.

The Southwest position on its own can indicate that a person may have a desire to work in the back ground, get themselves organized and plan for the future.  But with the case of the 8 Star person, he or she might encounter interruptions or undermining influences.


The second important observation for this chart is noting that the infamous 5 Soil Star is sitting in the Northeast “House” or position.  This intensifies things further because the 5 star is related to heavy serious outcomes, mishap, forced changes in plans, accident, or large looming issues.  So, if we continue with the metaphor of the person who lives in New York, but is forced to stay in Arizona for the year: now with the 5 star in the Northeast position, our poor theoretical subject finds out that enemies are taking further advantage of the situation.  Maybe our subject’s spouse invites her boyfriend to move in while our subject is “out of town.”  One of my favorite expressions applies here: insult to injury (also a great title for a rock song).

Does this mean that 8 Star People are going to have a horrible Year, non-stop 365 days?  Of course not.  But this is something we extract out of a Nine Star Ki reading and look for windows of opportunity throughout the year to excel and achieve, in spite of the yearly handicap.

Referring to the next chart, we’ve added in “monthly stars” for March 2025. Now we can be more specific about how the 8 Star person’s March may manifest.

With the Reversed Luo Shu Axis for the year and the 5 star pulling more tension into the dynamic, we see a 7 star as a guest to the 8 star for the month.   The 7 star is related to money matters, banking, loans, or any kind of financial transaction.  Perhaps the plan to give or receive a loan will be delayed or sabotaged in some way for the 8 star person.

We also see a 4 Month star join the alignment in the Northeast House.  The 4 star can be associated with travel. It’s also associated with paperwork and documents.  If we let the imagination go, perhaps our 8 Star person will have a financial compensation problem, due to cancelled business travel plans or issues with documents not delivered.

Each month of the year, we can see who the monthly guests are, the changing circumstances and the events which might manifest for our subject. This is the case for all the Year (of Birth) Stars for all people.  With these predictive cycles, we can plan for a better year, make our moves in the best timing and use this as a secret weapon. And it goes without saying, if your Nine Star Ki reveals a tough year ahead, all the more reason to have your literal house in order and your Feng Shui adjustments in place. Cover all bases. Act on what you have control over.


Author: Kartar Diamond

Company: Feng Shui Solutions ®

From the Nine Star Ki Blog Series