Beginner’s Series:
Prerequisite – None
Reading Material:
Feng Shui for Skeptics (140 pages) e-book provided
(A paperback copy can be provided if you prefer).
More info about this book can be found HERE.
Addendum to book (10 pages)
By 2011, I was prepared to make public some changes I have made in my practice. The Addendum addresses two major issues which are relevant to the information in my books and course material.
Companion to Skeptics doc file: Module One (76+ pages)
For each of my books, a companion file has allowed me to share more content on any given topic in the book, along with additional illustrations and photographs to further clarify a concept.
Important Articles 1996-1998 doc file (56 pages)
This is a collection of articles written by others besides myself, which examines what was being regarded as “popular” Western-style Feng Shui in the 1990’s, much to the dismay of classically trained practitioners. It is important for serious students to read these candid critiques so that one has a broader and historical understanding of how and why Feng Shui is still greatly misunderstood by the general public even to this day.
The Feng Shui Matrix (176 pages) digital version (paperback copy of book still available).
More info about this book can be found HERE.
Companion to Matrix doc file: Module Two (52+ pages)
It was with great enthusiasm that I re-read, line by line, each of my books, to add content, corrections, and relevant beginner’s theory concepts to the curriculum.
Tuition includes all the reading materials to be emailed to you, plus a 2-hour private mentoring session: in-person or via phone, email or Skype. Email communication includes the time it takes to read your emails as well as to respond. The amount of mentoring time may be increased to suit the personal needs of a student.
If you already have a copy of Skeptics and Matrix, their cost can be deducted from the tuition cost listed.
Tuition: $650.00 US Dollars, minus books already purchased. Total reading materials= 580+ pages.
For the Beginner’s and Intermediate Series, I will suggest that you read the books and companion files at least twice before scheduling your private mentoring session. I recommend making a list of questions in advance for me to answer when we have the mentoring session.
Intermediate Series:
Prerequisite – Completed Beginner’s Series
Reading Material:
The Feng Shui Continuum (206 pages)
More info about this book can be found HERE.
Companion to Continuum doc file: Module Three (63+ pages)
Just like the other books, I have added content to The Feng Shui Continuum, since they have become textbooks for my School. All three books were originally written as “stand alone” material, but the companion files help link them all together in a more cohesive progression of learning.
All of my Feng Shui Tips e-books: Even though the e-books were written for the lay person, they actually provide quite a bit of content and a unique perspective compared to the rest of the curriculum. If a particular feng shui principle is repeated in more than one e-book, the delivery is different in each one, which should aid in solidifying your own understanding of these important concepts. With these
e-books, you get a close look at how I have marketed my services to various demographics, which will undoubtedly help you in your own relations with clients.
Click Titles for more information or to purchase.
Tips for Apartments and Condos
How to Draw a Floor Plan Sketch
(E-books total 303 pages)
Tuition includes all reading materials emailed to you, plus a 2-hour private mentoring session: in-person or via phone, email or Skype.
Tuition: $650.00 US Dollars minus for book or e-books already purchased. Total reading material= 563+ pages
Advanced Series
Prerequisite: Completed Beginners and Intermediate Series
Reading Material:
36 Case Studies from the Feng Shui Case Study Club (825 pages).
Click HERE for more information or to purchase Case Studies.
Fee includes reading materials emailed to you, plus a 2+ hour private mentoring session: in-person or via phone, email or Skype.
Tuition: $900.00 US Dollars minus cost of any Case Studies you already purchased.
Total reading material= 825 pages
***If you want or need additional mentoring time, we can arrange for that at a reduced fee from my normal hourly rate.
After passing a written test for each of the Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Series, you will receive a Certificate of Completion for each Series you passed. A Certificate of Completion is not the same as being certified to consult. The Certificate of Completion means that you can advertise or state publicly that you took my course(s) and successfully passed the test(s), demonstrating your knowledge of the materials in that section of the course.
You are not required to take any test before moving on to the next Series if you just want to enhance your knowledge for personal enjoyment.
But if you want a Certificate of Completion from Kartar’s School of Traditional Feng Shui for professional reasons, then you need to demonstrate through testing that you thoroughly understand the materials presented.
Some students, enrolled in other schools, have been confused over what constitutes “certification to consult,” which is often a different requirement and status from simply haven taken courses. For example, I took a few courses with one master, who never certified me for anything.
There is an additional fee for taking each test. If you don’t pass the test, you can repeat it once for no extra charge.
Test Fee: Each of the three written Tests costs $150 US Dollars each. I will take as much time as is necessary to review the test and offer comments and corrections. For those wanting to take the tests, it is assumed that you and I will have our mentoring sessions first. You then request the Test when you think you are ready to take it.