Are there feng shui secrets that can make you look or feel younger? The answer is yes, but let’s first define “feng shui” for anyone not familiar with the topic.  Feng shui (pronounced fung shway), is an ancient Chinese discipline and predictive art.  The principles of feng shui are universally experienced, as in how we human beings are affected by our environment.

Where you live or work can potentially affect every part of your life and circumstances, including your appearance and health status.  As an example, everyone has good and bad sleeping directions based on their birth year.  If you can sleep in one of your good directions and get consistent quality sleep, it will definitely improve your health and make you feel and look younger.  And no matter what direction you sleep in, it is best to avoid sleeping within inches of a low window.  We all lose energy through the top of our head and when we lay down at night, we should not be aligned with a low window.  It can draw out or siphon off too much of our personal “qi.”

Common sense aspects to your environment could also be considered feng shui principles as well, such as not living in a polluted environment.  Since most of us have little control over air quality or pollution, the least we can do is have a pure interior environment.  This can be achieved with air filters, purifiers, and discontinuing the use of chemicals or non-organic cleaning supplies.

Creating a balanced, harmonious and relaxed environment to live or work in is no small task, but by doing so, you can experience your personal space as a retreat which can have a healing effect. Some components might be subjective, such as the colors you use in your home.  But if you make your home pleasing to your own senses, that will have an overall benefit to your immune system.

On an even more subtle level, there are house types which can make a person look younger than they are.  This might be the case of which came first, the chicken or the egg.  Is the young, pretty woman unconsciously attracted to this house or does the house have an influence after the woman moves in?  I have noticed that certain house types (based on when they were built and what direction they are facing) can match the young looking woman who lives there.

One of these house types is a southwest facing house, built between 1924-1943.  This is an aspect to Feng shui called the “flying stars.”  These are invisible energies that were created in a house at the time of construction and these same energies have an enduring affect on anyone who lives in the house.

Another form of personal compatibility with a house (which can support your health and well-being) is determined based on the house’s “sitting” direction in relation to your birth year.  The sitting side of a house is the back side.  The sitting side of an apartment is usually the side that is the darkest or has the least views.  Once this sitting direction has been determined, it will correlate favorably or unfavorably with the person who lives there.  As an example, a woman born in 1970, 1979, or 1988 is the “Zhen” trigram, which is similar to a zodiac sign.

The Zhen trigram is associated with the direction of east.  A house that sits in the east is one that faces west. This is because the back side of a house is the sitting side.  A Zhen trigram person would feel very comfortable in a house that sits in the east (a Zhen House).  This might be the equivalent of a Sagittarius person living in a “Sagittarius House” if there were such an equivalent in astrology. When you match your house, you feel very comfortable there and that can help “turn back the clock.”

In my second book, The Feng Shui Matrix, the majority of the book dispenses recommendations that are personal to you, based on your birth year.

Author: Kartar Diamond

Company: Feng Shui Solutions ®

From the Health and Personal Matters blog Series