When Feng Shui became wildly popular in the late 1990’s, one of the reasons women were so enthralled with the subject is because of the promise of more love, just by applying certain “love” remedies to their homes or workplaces. The dumbed-down, Americanized version of feng shui created a very pervasive marketing campaign to convince the public that the back right-hand corner of every house is an area that can be activated for increased romance. While this may have been testimony to the power of the placebo effect, it certainly has nothing to do with traditional feng shui and how a house is supposed to be analyzed.

Even though there is no such thing as a “Romance Corner” or a “Marriage Corner” the fact is that feng shui does address issues of love, romance and sexuality.  In fact, in traditional feng shui, a more complex and individualized assessment can be made when enough data is gathered about the age of the house, its compass orientation, and exactly who is living in the space.

On a yearly basis, there are annual influences that can also affect a relationship and for the remainder of this article, I will highlight what the annual influence can do to a relationship. In order to get the most out of this interpretation, you need to have some knowledge in how to take a compass reading and how to accurately draw a floor plan.

Relationship Influences For Annual Energies

Annual 1-water energy. This is related to success and does not speak specifically to relationships, but when paired with a 2 star, it can indicate that an older woman might dominate a middle-aged man.  When the 1 star pairs with a permanent 4 star, it can excite sexual attraction.

Annual 2-earth star. This star used to imply loneliness and solitude. This was the case since 1904.  However, the 2 star energy has just turned a corner and is now on a positive trek that will last until 2084.  It would only imply loneliness if dominated by wood stars 3 and 4.

Annual 3-wood energy. Related to gossip, misunderstandings or bickering, this 3 star can undermine any relationship.

Annual 4-wood energy. The 4 star is multifaceted and can boost health, creativity, scholarly achievement, and also sexual attraction. This star, when combined with the other stars will have a unique influence  that requires different remedies.

Annual 5-earth star.  This 5 star is related to arguments, pain or obstacles. One of the ways this 5 star can undermine a person is in the quality of their relationships.

Annual 6 metal energy.  This 6 star can make a person confident, but also more authoritarian and could lead to power struggles. It could undermine relationships, especially since the 6 star energy can make a person more independent and not necessarily a team player.

The Annual 7 metal star is the most flirtatious of all the annual influences.  It is very sexual energy and can be fun to experience if you are young, but there is hidden danger in it also.  This influence is associated with contracting STD’s and just emotionally, there can be deceptions or betrayals.

The Annual 8 earth energy is associated with happiness and weddings.  It can also increase fertility, which may or may not be desired in a relationship.

The Annual 9-fire star. This star is related to success and good health in Period 9 (2024-2044). This star can enhance any other star is joins.

These annual influences will affect your life and your relationships if you spend a lot of time in these energies. Usually that happens if it is your bedroom, your home office, or your entrance.  Conversely, flying stars in rooms you don’t use much will not influence you much. In order to know WHERE these annual stars are in any given year, and how to control these influences, you do need some instruction.  Feng Shui for Skeptics includes a section on tracking the annual stars, as does The Feng Shui Matrix.


Author: Kartar Diamond

Company: Feng Shui Solutions ®

From the Human and Personal Matters Blog Series