Each person is born under a certain Chinese Zodiac sign based on year of birth. The twelve Chinese zodiac signs form into four trilogies of compatibility, much like Western Astrology.

Based on what zodiac sign you are, there is a cardinal direction associated with it.  If you can manage to sleep with your head pointing to that particular direction (laying down, not sitting up), it helps you attract more romantic opportunities.  This can work even if you have to sleep on your bed at an angle in order to achieve the proper direction.  The angle must be precise. Refer also to the compass illustration in this article.

  • North-2 spans from 353-7 degrees
  • East-2 spans from 83-97 degrees
  • South-2 spans from 173-187 degrees
  • West-2 spans from 263-277 degrees

This is a 15-degree range, which must be determined with a compass.  Just guessing won’t work.  There are many streets which are NOT aligned on a North-South or East-West grid so using a compass is essential.  You can obtain a compass at a camping or sporting goods store.


  • If you were born in the Year of the Dog, Tiger, or Horse:

Sleeping head East (Rabbit Direction) is your “Romance Pillow Direction”


  • If you were born in the Year of the Dragon, Rat, or Monkey:

Sleeping head West (Rooster Direction) is your “Romance Pillow Direction”


  • If you were born in the Year of the Pig, Rabbit, or Sheep:

Sleeping head to the North (Rat Direction) is your “Romance Pillow Direction.”


  • If you were born in the Year of the Snake, Rooster, or Ox:

Sleeping with your head to the South (Horse) is your “Romance Pillow Direction.”


Why is the position of the head so important?  Well, your head is basically the Control Tower for your entire body and being.  The top of the head is very receptive to incoming energies all around you and when you sleep at night, the spiritual and psychic center at the top of the head can be plugged into either beneficial or harmful flows of energy. (Yogis refer to the top of the head as the Crown Chakra).

To put it in a more mundane perspective: Why do some people have restful sleep, waking up refreshed while others wake up drained or burdened with nightmares?  There are many other factors which contribute to a person’s ability to attract or repel good fortune in their lives; sleeping in the right direction is as important as timing.

Knowing what your “Romance Sleeping Direction” is may explain why you met a “romantic associate” when you moved to a certain home, and by default, slept in a certain direction. Feedback is welcome!

If you didn’t know already, this pillow direction technique is an extrapolation of the “Peach Blossom” Flowers of Romance Remedy (Vase of Water) in right location. As well, the Chinese zodiac sign associated your Romance direction is also a day on the calendar that repeats every 12 days, perpetually.  For example, if you are an Ox, then Horse Days are also your “Romance Days.” These are days when you can be more charismatic and attractive to others.

I have provided a Chinese Zodiac Sign Table Chart in this article.  However, it is VERY important for you to know that the Chinese Solar Calendar begins on February 4th and NOT on January 1st according to the Western calendar.  When you look up your sign, take this into consideration if you were born between January 1st and February 3rd.  For example, if you were born on February 2, 2000 then you must consider yourself born in 1999 instead. The Solar calendar is not the same as the Chinese Lunar Calendar.

You can also find Chinese Calendars on-line that will convey the sign for each day.  For my Annual Update clients, I make a calendar each year, like the one I posted for 2024. Click Here.

What you need to do on your OWN, is verify that you have done an accurate compass reading, so that you know what direction each wall in your home faces, so that you can attempt to sleep in the suggested direction.

This is also what we call an “over the counter” prescription because it is general to your Year of Birth and nothing more.  Real astrologers will factor in your full birth data and place of birth and give you gobs more personal information about your life and your romantic potential, so don’t deny yourself the opportunity to meet with a really great astrologer.

Author: Kartar Diamond

Company: Feng Shui Solutions ®

From the Relationships of All Kinds Blog Series