This calendar begins in the left-hand column with the month of February. It includes January 2025 as the last far-right column because the Feng Shui New Year always begins around February 4th, give or take a day and no more.  It is not the same as the Lunar calendar. The Feng Shui calendar is a Solar-based calendar.

Each day has one of the twelve Chinese Zodiac signs attached to it.  For example, we can see that February 1st is a Sheep Day and May 1st is an Ox day.  The 12 Chinese zodiac signs repeat, in the same order, every 12 days.

Highlighted in yellow are the days which are simply the first day of each month. The Solar Feng Shui calendar never has a month start on the 1st of the Western calendar month. For example, April starts on April 4th and it happens to be a Dog Day.  June 5th is highlighted in yellow so that is the first day  of June. This does mean that June 1st through June 4th is actually part of May’s monthly energy.

If you are ever given monthly advice, such as the best or worst month to start a remodel project, look closely at the calendar to know what day the month starts.

Days highlighted in green are the Dragon Days. In a Dragon year, the Dragon Days are called the Tai Sui Days.  The Tai Sui Days are connected to the Tai Sui DIRECTIONS.  Days highlighted in pink are the Sui Po Day in 2024. The Sui Po Days are also connected to the Sui Po DIRECTIONS.  Dragon and Dog are polar opposites of each other. These are two main days, the Tai Sui and the Sui Po, which can be more unpredictable or unstable. Some people feel that Tai Sui and Sui Po are accident-prone days and directions. It is best to avoid doing really important things on these days.  The Tai Sui and the Sui Po days will change from year to year.

OVERLAP: You may notice that in some cases the first day of the month might also be a Tai Sui or Sui Po day, such as February 4th being a Dog Day and March 5th being a Dragon Day. This is like a double whammy, even more unstable.

The rest of the calendar is left unmarked, for you to color-code for your own personal days.

In the Annual Update Report that I provide clients, I also list for you significant days you may want to keep track of and utilize for your own optional scheduling, such as your Lu Cun Day, your Liu He Day, and your Chong Day. Each of the special days is connected to a zodiac sign and each zodiac sign repeats every 12 days.

What follows is an example:

Let’s say your birthday is February 14, 1972.

Your Lu Cun Lucky Money Day is Pig Days.  In July we see Pig Days on July 10th and July 22nd.

Your Liu He Friendly Support Day is Ox Days.   In October, we see Ox Days on the 4th, 16th, 28th.

Your Chong-Opposition Day is Horse Days. In November, Horse Days are on 2nd, 14th, 26th.


You can then mark these days on the calendar or post them somewhere else in your yearly calendar.


Author: Kartar Diamond

Company: Feng Shui Solutions (R)

From the Frequently Asked Questions Blog Series