There are different Schools of Feng Shui and different approaches even in the same Schools.  Some remedies are rather “mechanical,” such as when we add the elements (Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal) to an area. This is achieved through calculation, combining the year built, or annual influences, with the orientation of the structure.

Other remedies might emphasize mystical or esoteric practices which do not have an obvious Space-Time component to them. For more than 30 years, there have also been New Age versions of Feng Shui, created to satisfy those desires for ritual and transcendentalism. The concept of “intention” has been explored on an exhaustive level in some Feng Shui Schools, to the point where some people have concluded that “thinking makes it so.” Therefore, they can wish away, meditate away, or pray away anything the person does not like about their environment or circumstances. This is where we technically step beyond the scope of Feng Shui and go into other realms.  As a talismanic practice, anyone can infuse an object or folk remedy with intention. This can easily get confused with idol worship.

The point of this article is to acknowledge the merging of “mechanical” remedies with intention. And while some clients drag their feet to visit Home Depot or Home Goods, to buy ready-made items which can suffice as Feng Shui remedies, there are others who take it to a whole other level.

These are people who get very creative with their Feng Shui remedies, putting intention, time, effort, and money into making something beautiful to work as an elemental remedy. These are folks who don’t want to “hide” metal work-out weights behind a couch or put a light on in the middle of the day, just to create a fire remedy. I have always had these delightful clients who come up with really impressive solutions for their spaces.  In fact, over the years I have even borrowed some of their ideas for my own home!

Here I am going to highlight just a few recent, artful follow-throughs. One client in Los Angles needed metal in a specific location of her jewelry store. She enlisted the help of another one of my clients who is a designer, to create this modern metal wall sculpture.


Where I least expected such an artistic display (in a cabinet manufacturing warehouse in Montana), my client needed the fire element in an area of the warehouse, so he hired a mural artist to make this large tree with red leaves!  And when it came time to remove the fire element, he brought back the mural artist to change the leaves to lavender.

For those of you who have been getting my newsletter for decades, this is the same man who I featured in a past newsletter, after he sent me a photo of his outside fountain flowing, even in snowy winter temperatures. He had draped rain gutter defrosting cables in his fountain to keep the water from freezing.

If you have any creative solutions for your Feng Shui remedies that you would like to share with me, please send photos and I will feature them in future newsletters to help inspire others. Thank you!

Author: Kartar Diamond

Company: Feng Shui Solutions ®

From the Feng Shui Theory Blog Series