When we think about the current world condition and wars emerging, we can wonder if very large regions, even whole countries, can suffer from bad feng shui.  Is it the land? The structures? Or is it the collective bad luck of the people? And what is bad luck?  One definition of bad luck: wrong place/wrong time.

The answer is that all three components: land, structures, and people can have forces working against them, as well as other features that are known to us and other features not yet known. For example, locations in the world that have more consistently extreme weather or climate conditions could cause regular hardship and lost resources for those living in that area.  Of course, natural phenomenon like drought and hurricanes are only perceived of as “bad luck,” when they cause injury, death or destruction. Otherwise, an earthquake is just the Earth giving itself a chiropractic adjustment. A solar flare is just the Sun burping, except when it knocks out the electrical grid and causes problems for humans.

In the past, I have written about how the Feng Shui of The U.S. White House could have a subtle or generalized impact over the whole United States. It is symbolic in one sense, but more literal in another sense if we assume that the people who occupy important buildings will then be influenced to make decisions that can affect millions.  And just like a residence, which changes its influence over long periods of time, governmental structures go from bad to good or good to bad and cycle through phases which speak to the shifting health and wealth of a nation.

We have personified the “White House,” and we can do that with any other prominent structure or complex, such as “the Kremlin.”

Using both Feng Shui, Nine Star Ki, and other predictive Arts like astrology, we can come to some conclusions on a global scale about what people or what nations may be vulnerable to strife or attack or conversely experience gains in power and wealth.  Through systems that use directionology, we can sometimes predict when or where something noteworthy happens on the planet.

Certain industries can be aligned with natural elements and Five Element Theory, which pervades Chinese metaphysics and Chinese medicine (Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal).  If a country produces a certain product for the world (like pharmaceuticals or electronics) and the qi of that element is positioned well astrologically, then perhaps we can estimate how that country’s economy may do in any given year or decade. If the leader of a country has good luck, that can also affect the citizenry as the country might be seen like his business or children.

What is always a question mark for me, is whether or not what we see or hear through “surface politics,” is really what is going on or just what we are shown through media and propaganda. My personal definition of surface politics: what is presented to the public, in contrast to what goes on behind the scenes.  In other words, can the astute astrologer or metaphysician uncover a greater truth or reality, that is not so obvious to the public or the narrative being pushed by governmental agencies or social media?

We could use any number of conspiracies as an example. There could be a short or long period of time when the general consensus is that “X” happened for “Y” reason.  That event could be corroborated or confirmed through a predictive art.  And yet, perhaps “X” did not really happen the way the masses understand it or the “Y” reason is not immediately disclosed.  Will the metaphysician be able to figure out what really happened and why it did, before the whistle blowers or authentic fact-finders come forward? In this case, the metaphysician would be viewed as wrong in their prediction, until the real events and reasons are disclosed some other way.

Without having to know the “why” part, we can clearly see that some countries have a significantly different standard of living or challenges compared to others. In the 1950’s, a tiered reference was coined: First, Second and Third World countries have been categorized according to their level of reciprocal global economic trade, initially defined according to their opposition or alliance with the former Communist Bloc.  What countries have a natural or manufactured advantage over others and how long can that be sustained?

There are always overlapping influences.  Someone might live in a poor country, but in the richest city and fare pretty well.  Someone else might live in a rich country, but the poorest state or town and feel held back. These layers exist on a micro-manageable level within a house, identified through such systems as Feng Shui.  A person might live in a house with overall good Feng Shui (i.e. good energy), but sleep in the worst part of the house or vice versa. This is the same for countries and it can explain the variance in set-backs or opportunities one may have.  And of course, this can heavily influence someone’s personal reality and how their politics lean.

When certain predictive arts practitioners use directionology, they often divide up countries into directional zones or even the entire world into directional zones (which is harder to pinpoint).  For example, we can refer to Southern California and Arizona as being in the Southwest sector of the United States and New York and other neighboring states as being in the Northeast sector of the U.S.

Every town, city, state and country has a south sector, which in a very subtle sense might bode well for people living there in Period 9, (2024-2044).  Are people from other U.S. states flocking to Texas for more than obvious reasons? This is just a very general observation, linked to Feng Shui.  But what happens when we layer Nine Star Ki analysis to the direction of South?  Opposing the South is the North, with the 5 star in North for Period 9.   It also seems logical, that with the help of A.I. we can predict with some level of confidence, which directional regions might experience a natural or man-made disaster, or predict where there might be an outbreak of criminality or violence and hopefully prepare to prevent it.


Author: Kartar Diamond

Company: Feng Shui Solutions ®

From the Feng Shui Theory Blog Series