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So far diamond has created 482 blog entries.

Does the Shape of a Headboard Matter? by Kartar Diamond

A big part of Feng Shui revolves around the shape and form of all objects and furnishings. These items, big and small, from a side table inside to an outside tree, will all manipulate air currents and the unseen energy all around us.

In some instances we want […]

By |2024-08-22T19:22:48-07:00August 22nd, 2024|Comments Off on Does the Shape of a Headboard Matter? by Kartar Diamond

Organizing for the Sake of Safety by Kartar Diamond

I returned a tall ladder in my garage to a space close to where it usually goes. And then I made a quick adjustment. Where it was before I switched it made it possible to tip over and crash on my car. Could such a thing happen?  […]

By |2024-08-21T14:17:36-07:00August 21st, 2024|Comments Off on Organizing for the Sake of Safety by Kartar Diamond

Feng Shui and the Ho Tu Number Influences by Kartar Diamond

This marks my second follow-up article regarding Feng Shui concepts mentioned in Wilheim Reich Lippelt’s book, Feng Shui Demystified. If mathematics and music are universal languages, we can also note that there are primordial observations about energy, the cosmos, and creation which permeate all metaphysical disciplines. […]

By |2024-08-18T16:18:22-07:00August 18th, 2024|Comments Off on Feng Shui and the Ho Tu Number Influences by Kartar Diamond

Facing Versus Entrance by Kartar Diamond

In reviewing Lippelt’s book, Feng Shui Demystified, he puts forth many advanced feng shui concepts, as well as some sidebars which deserve a more elaborate explanation. I have covered these topics in my on-line curriculum and often the reader needs a foundation in feng shui theory […]

By |2024-08-09T17:31:54-07:00August 9th, 2024|Comments Off on Facing Versus Entrance by Kartar Diamond

Feng Shui Demystified, a Book Review by Kartar Diamond

Published in 2002, Ulrich Wilheim Lippelt wrote Feng Shui Demystified: A Comparative Compendium on Flying Star Feng Shui and The Eight Mansion Formula.  As you can imagine, I have an extensive feng shui book collection and I pulled out this one to re-read in order to write […]

By |2024-08-05T13:39:37-07:00August 5th, 2024|Comments Off on Feng Shui Demystified, a Book Review by Kartar Diamond

Tips Regarding Your Water Feature Purchase by Kartar Diamond

Indoor Fountains:

  • Get the largest fountain you can afford and which you have room for. This does not mean the fountain itself; rather the volume of water it holds.  There are some large fountains as far as their structure is concerned, which actually hold only a small […]
By |2024-08-02T18:52:42-07:00August 2nd, 2024|Comments Off on Tips Regarding Your Water Feature Purchase by Kartar Diamond

Feng Shui and the Rich City Poor Country Analogy by Kartar Diamond

On a regular basis, I help clients in their property search for apartments, condos, or commercial spaces within larger buildings. For some, I pull out my “Rich City-Poor Country” metaphor, which can also be a “Poor City-Rich Country” comparison. What do I mean by this?

I can […]

By |2024-06-16T14:13:29-07:00June 16th, 2024|Comments Off on Feng Shui and the Rich City Poor Country Analogy by Kartar Diamond

Organizing Speed Bumps by Kartar Diamond

Most of the organizing articles I write are meant to inspire and give tips to those who struggle with this topic.  However, some people are naturally-organized, yet they have their own set of frustrations when others in their life inhibit having “the perfectly” organized home.

With each case, […]

By |2024-06-15T16:32:54-07:00June 15th, 2024|Comments Off on Organizing Speed Bumps by Kartar Diamond
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