Sometimes a person loves their home and their neighborhood, except for one thorn in their side: an obnoxious or even litigious neighbor. The harassment can be enough to make a person want to move. And depending on how legalistic the feud has become, you may even have to disclose to a buyer that you have had legal problems with a neighbor.
Years before I learned Feng Shui, back in the 1980’s I lived on a street where an unsuspecting grandmother became a menace to the whole block. She started with cutting down branches from trees on her neighbor’s properties when they came one inch over her wall. She routinely sued her neighbors on each side and then graduated to slashing tires and allegedly poisoned one neighbor’s dog.
My then-husband had built an office over the garage and we heard she thought he was spying on her. After we moved away, we heard that this elderly woman avoided jail time by agreeing to community service and ordered into mental health treatment.
Since then, I have had mostly congenial relationships with neighbors, but some of my feng shui clients have not. Disputes about property lines, trees obscuring views, easement problems, drug dealing, unrelenting noise and other problems have come up. Naturally, clients want to know what they can do to fend off the animosity or legal woes.
To clarify first: most homes have two locations where the infamous “3” star exists and that star can trigger or attract legal problems, contractual disputes, misunderstandings, or gossip. These energies are created when a house is built. They are non-obvious, unseen energies in the magnetic field, sealed into the house when the roof goes on. There is also an annual 3 star which can inhabit a different direction each year. These 3 star energies may be minor or not manifest at all if they land in areas of the house where you don’t dwell much. But if one has a 3 star in the bedroom, the home office, or the common entrance into the house, the energies may be stronger and active.
What we cannot usually do: is predict exactly how the legal energy will manifest. Honestly, I don’t know if my client will be the plaintiff or the defendant, the perpetrator or the victim. Generally speaking, my clients are nice, honorable and spiritual people. In over three decades, I have had only two instances where a client turned on me, one who got their jollies in not paying for my services and I elected to not pursue it legally. Another one told me after a 20- year relationship that she was “loathe” to use my services anymore. That person snapped, in a psychiatric context, and we agreed to part company. But in both cases, I was not totally surprised that they turned their misdirected anger at me, as their feng shui environments had the 3 star positioned in relevant areas, with other compounding influences.
These agitated energies can entangle family members, work relations and sometimes relations with neighbors. What can also compound the situation is that in some neighborhoods, the houses may have similar energy based on when built and compass alignment. It’s common for many or all houses on a street to have been built in the same twenty-year Period and face the same direction. There may even be identical floor plans and two neighbors get into a tiff because they both have the 3 star land in consequential areas of their floor plans!
Since my clients don’t have control over what their neighbors do with their own properties, all we can do is remedies where we might be able to tamp down on my client attracting legal problems. There is also a technique called the Fu Xing remedy. It can be used short term if a person has an actual court date or mediation date, to help things go more in their favor.
Feng Shui can determine and detect many predictable and likely outcomes from these various living environments. There is also a personal, subjective component to the legal energies as it does not threaten those who work in legal realms as much. A lawyer, realtor, judge or law enforcement officer may not suffer living in this kind of Feng Shui. Dealing with legal issues is their line of business. But others may have problems managing agitated people as this is not their ordinary line of work.
My Los Angeles home had some indicators for legal issues, but I bought it anyway because of other highly desirable and redeeming features. (Remember, no house is perfect!) During my time in that house, I had some annoying, but not highly detrimental legal events to deal with, some of which involved having to confront some copyright infringements by other feng shui consultants. I also had a pool guy who sold me a new filter I didn’t need and overcharged me for it on top of that! He never returned my calls when I asked for the receipts and warranty.
There is one area of a house which cannot be remedied, including for legal problems, and that is the center cell of the house. That was my case. I just had to be more alert to the possibilities. The center is actually a non-physical space, not one of the eight directions, but a notional center dot in the middle of the floor plan. It has been likened to the “soul” or hidden agenda of the house.
A few house types that have a 3 star in the “center” include:
- House built between 1944-1963 facing east or west.
- House built between 1964-1983 facing northeast or southwest.
- House built between 1984-2003 facing north or south.
- House built between 2004-2023 facing north or south.
There are more house types which suggest legal problems as a “hidden agenda,” but it is the 3 star in OTHER areas of the house which can be more important to be forewarned about. And those areas can often be adjusted in a satisfactory way, to keep the legal problems at bay.
There are also other situations which can build up enough tension to cause neighbor disputes, including those which do not devolve into a legal battle, but still ignite arguments, distrust or discord. Even the house in a long term People Lock could contribute to bad relations with neighbors.
If you are on, just the posts about dog owners not cleaning up after their dogs must be the #1 complaint on that forum!
Author: Kartar Diamond
Company: Feng Shui Solutions ®
From the Feng Shui Theory Blog Series