A long time ago I used to sell a Yearly Feng Shui Guide, put together by my first Feng Shui teacher. He used a method where we take the shifting annual star in each direction and compare it with the direction the star lands in for that year.  For example, an annual 2 star could effect a person differently in the south sector compared to the West sector.   His Yearly Guide would interpret the pairing of the annual star with the location, as well as give elemental directives of where to put water, fire, metal, earth or wood as remedies.

I used to refer to his Yearly Guide as an “over the counter prescription” because it often contradicted what I would recommend to my clients’ homes or businesses.  Why?  Because my analysis also factors in the age of the structure, what the function of the room is and who in particular is using the space. I could be more specific and accurate than the more generic Yearly Guide.  I would tell clients to use my recommendations over the Yearly Guide’s, should there be a discrepancy. Eventually, I stopped promoting my teacher’s Yearly Guide because I got tired of explaining why I would advise differently.

And yet, there is always a kernel of truth when using that simple method.  It’s just that there are layers to Feng Shui and my job is to prioritize for clients, which energies are more important than others to cater to.  As the years rolled by, I also began studying Nine Star Ki, a forerunner to Feng Shui most likely, with both similar and distinct interpretations of the Stars.  Both Feng Shui and Nine Star Ki can be used to make personal predictions as well as more universal or “global” predictions.  The term global just refers to what can happen to a larger community, beyond your own life or dwelling. Others also use Chinese Astrology or Yi Jing Divination to corroborate their forecasting.

Before delving into Nine Star Ki forecasts for 2021, allow me to show you how Feng Shui and Nine Star Ki are separate platforms, even though there can be some overlap.  In 2021 (which starts on February 3rd this year), we have an annual 1 star in the South “palace” or sector.   The South is inherently associated with the 9 fire energy, so a Feng Shui practitioner might look at that and see a “clash” of 1 water dominating 9 fire.  The impulse is to mitigate that clash and use WOOD (a live leafy plant) in the south sector of the house. We only know for sure the boundaries of the south by working with an accurate floor plan and compass reading.   The reason for using WOOD as a remedy to that area is because we want to support the 9 fire star. Wood feeds or nurtures fire in Five Element Theory.  And the reason we want to support fire in this instance is because otherwise the pressure from the dominating water on the fire could result in a person having eye or heart problems— if they dwell a lot in the south sector of their home.

Now, from a Nine Star Ki perspective, we don’t use Five Element Theory to “correct” or adjust anything.  We are not even relating to the literal direction of south in this example I’m about to give.  But we do have the same pairing of 1 water and 9 fire in the south “palace” for 2021.  In Nine Star Ki, the position of South is associated with “exposure” and something being very public, including something that may have been a secret or hidden before.  The “guest” to the South is the 1 water and the 1 star is symbolic of many things, including infection, contamination, epidemics, and sexual events.  In the context of Nine Star Ki and making global forecasts, it’s easy to see how the world may come into greater awareness about some previously hidden truths in regards to COVID-19 and all that entails since there is so much misinformation abound.  And while there always seems to be sexual scandals going on, perhaps there will be one or some that get exposed as being much more outrageous or consequential ala Ghislane Maxwell’s upcoming court case or Hunter Biden’s activities.  So, this is just one comparative example of how forecasting in Feng Shui is quite different from Nine Star Ki.

One thing that both predictive arts will take into consideration is the “center” star for the Year, which is called the Luo Shu Trend in Nine Star Ki.  The 6 Metal star is in the non-literal center for 2021 and that is called the Military Star in Feng Shui.  It can predict that issues related to the military, war, world leaders, politicians and government will have some exceptionally noteworthy occurrences.  In Nine Star Ki, the 6 star is also related to the law, judges, and legal matters.  The 6 star is also symbolic for a hotel.  This is why we may see something significant happen with the hotel industry, similar to the way 2020’s 7 Star in the center had a big impact on restaurants, cruise ships and shopping centers. The 6 Metal star is also symbolic of a car, so perhaps something noteworthy will happen with the auto industry.

In Nine Star Ki we look for areas where tension can exist to make something “snap” into an event.  The 1 Water star in the South is polar opposite an annual 2 star in the North.  There is pole magnetism and there is tension.  There is even more tension than usual because the “home” for the 1 water star is North.  So, for the 1 water star to be hanging out to dry in the South is like the proverbial “fish out of water.”   The 2 star in Feng Shui currently alludes to sickness, loneliness, bleeding and accidents.  Were someone to have a front door or a bedroom in the North sector of their floor plan, they might be more vulnerable to those circumstances, noted by a Feng Shui audit.

In Nine Star Ki, the 2 star can symbolize a large group of people with a common identity. And that 2 star energy is polarized with the 1 star in 2021 since they are opposite each other.  Now, the writing is already on the wall, so I don’t make any great personal claims here in terms of my ability to predict things.  But we can see the plausibility of large groups of people being further affected by the pandemic with this 1 and 2 star dynamic in play. Perhaps a mutation of virus.  Perhaps side effects from the vaccine, etc.  The large group of people with a common identity could be “the elderly” or it could be an ethnic group or a socio-economic group, or just the people of a certain country.

That said, the 2 star is also symbolic of food, farming, animals, land, nutrition.  I wouldn’t be surprised if there was some outbreak of food contamination that had nothing to do with COVID. The 2 star is also symbolic of hospitals.

Another area where we focus our attention in a Nine Ki reading is the location of the 5 star.  In the same way that the 5 star currently represents mishap, delays, or accidents in Feng Shui, the 5 star in Nine Ki can represent weird events or things of enormous proportion. In 2021, the 5 star sits in the Southeast, which can represent airplanes, air travel, and other forms of communication via the written word, documents, contracts and email.   Perhaps the U.S. Constitution will be challenged in even bigger ways than in 2020.  Perhaps something formidable will happen with the Internet.  In fact, the annual 3 star in the southwest (electricity, the internet) is opposite the 9 star in the northeast in 2021 and that can indicate something big and exposing happening perhaps with the Tech giants.  Additionally, the 5 star in the Southeast will be juxtaposed opposite the 7 star in the Northwest.  The 7 star in Nine Star Ki is often symbolic of banking and finances.  We keep hearing about the “Great Financial Re-Set” and certainly there will be more financial stress globally because of economic shut downs.

Another pairing to focus on is the West hosting the 8 star and the East opposite hosting the annual 4 star.  The 4 star can be symbolic of any wooden structure as well as schools, the post office, rockets, and projectiles. When there is tension between the 4 star and the 8 star which is related to uproar, rioting, looting and revolution, I’m sorry to say we might see more riots. Where?  Perhaps on college campuses, newspaper or media outlets.  Sounds like a fun year, huh?  I could write and speculate more but the truth is that most practitioners of predictive arts do not relish making predictions in case we end up wrong, but mostly because we don’t enjoy instilling fear in people.  We rarely like to give energy to “worst case scenarios” because most of the time things are not that dramatic in our personal lives, but the world we live in is changing quickly.   We know that it will be a good year for some people and some businesses, but the things which tend to get our attention lean on the serious or negative.   There is also a way to interpret something in a positive way in just about every circumstance. Using myself as an example, my own Nine Ki star was in the North palace in 2020.  That is often predicted to be a time when someone’s energy is low and they may even get sick, or feel isolated because the North palace is symbolic of winter and dormancy. And yet, I have enjoyed periods of solitude in order to get things done without disturbances. Twice now when my own star has been in the North palace, I have written books.

We can see how 2021 may be a good year for 7 Star People, residing in the Northwest, which may give that person a boost in their business, accolades and respect.  A 4 Star person may also benefit from their energy being hosted in the East palace, which is associated with spring time and having the energy to start projects and new beginnings.  Additionally, we have overlaps with our own personal Chinese astrology.  An Ox Year will be good for some, more so than others.

Author: Kartar Diamond

Company: Feng Shui Solutions ®

From the Nine Star Ki Blog Series