The numbers (called stars) used in Nine Star Ki practice are code for energy. From each star attached to a person’s birth data, information and insight is gleaned. As well, the relationship between the stars can reveal more about the person and how they respond to the world and others. Most practitioners are working with three stars from the birth data.

The same three stars are referred to by different names.

The number assigned from the Year of Birth is called the Year Star, Adult Star or Basic Number.

The number assigned to the Month of Birth is called the Month Star, Child Star, or Control Number.

From those two numbers there are a couple of different ways to combine them into a third star called a Tendency Star. One method comes up with a third star that implies energy from Day of Birth.

The Year Star repeats every nine years. For example, someone born in 1958 has 6 Metal as their Year Star. A person born nine years later in 1967 is also a 6 Metal person. And unlike the popular Ba Zhai School of Feng Shui, there is no distinction between males and females born in the same year when it comes to the assignment of their star.  In Feng Shui, that year of Birth signature energy is called a Personal Trigram or “gua.”

The Month Star also repeats every nine months.

There are aspects to our personality, constitutional health, professional aptitude and interests based on the year and month of birth. These numbers (stars) also show us how we relate to others and whether certain relationships are more supportive, friendly and compatible than others.

Less is written about the third star (Tendency Number), but one feature to it reveals how we are perceived by others. This can be very different from how we feel inside, or it may underscore who we really are that is obvious to others.

One basic concept in Nine Star Ki is that the Month of birth relates more to our childhood persona and that the Year of Birth takes over as the dominant star once we turn 18 years of age.  However, some authors show formulas in how the Month Star is influential throughout life, including how we get along with others and it may be a guiding force in the spouse we choose or other adult relationships and business partners we have.

Another layer of Nine Star Ki analysis is based on our Year/Adult Star when it resides in each of the eight basic directions, plus the “center.” It should be emphasized that, unlike Feng Shui which deals with literal directions, the “directions” mentioned in a Nine Star Ki analysis are only literal when used for Travel recommendations.  In other instances, the “direction” assignment is not literal.  Likewise, “center” is not a direction.

Here is an example:  let us say that your personal Year Star is the 6 Metal star. And in a certain year, that 6 Metal star resides in the “South” House. The “house” term is also not literal.  South happens to be associated with revelations and being very exposed. In that year, the 6 Metal person may find out about things that had previously been kept secret and/or they may be in the limelight for the year and very social. Here the “south house” has nothing to do with the literal direction of south, nor a location in a literal house.  This might be on par with the language of Western astrology, when they say, “The Moon is in the 7th House.”  This is an astronomical celestial position and not a “house” position.

When we refer to literal directions within a Nine Star Ki analysis, it is reserved for literal travel plans. This type of information can guide a person for best timing when it comes to moving, travel for business or pleasure.  Historically, there are examples of famous people who traveled in certain directions in certain years, and achieved either great luck from the movement of Point A to Point B, or had significant failures or tragedy.  Most of us do not have high drama lives, nor are we involved in military strategy, but this is one example of how the techniques can be used.

Another type of Nine Star Ki analysis tracks the monthly changes throughout each year and how that effects the individual. This helps people understand what natural cycle they are in, what to anticipate and plan for during the year. It can help people make decisions or understand better why certain things are happening to them and the people in their lives.

Tracking the yearly and monthly cycles are also used in another section of Nine Star Ki, where the individual is set aside and global forecasting or predictions are made instead. For example, in 2024, it was a “3 Wood” year.  In Nine Star Ki, the 3 wood star has a page full of attributes and symbolism.  One happens to be trains.  This might be why we heard about a higher number of train derailments and accidents in the News.

When it comes to predicting the instigation for war, other political news, natural weather events, notorious crimes, environmental disasters, prominence of certain industries and things of the like, Nine Star Ki can be a reflection for the saying “History Repeats Itself,” where global trends also repeat in predictable cycles.

Author: Kartar Diamond

Company: Feng Shui Solutions ®

From the Nine Star Ki Blog Series