In April 2023, I invited subscribers of my Time & Space Newsletter to provide me with data related to COVID.  I asked those who are not yet my clients to provide their birth date along with the month and year they got COVID. As expected, some people got COVID more than once.

For this part of the study, I looked to see if there was a correlation with a person’s own Nine Star Ki chart and the timing of when they became symptomatic with COVID, a respiratory illness/infection.

For those responding to my request who have been Feng Shui clients, I already had their birth data on file in addition to their floor plans.  With this sub-set of the study, I was able to look at the Nine Star Ki correlation as well as the flying star energies of their home at the time they got COVID.  I assumed correctly that there could easily be an overlap, indicating from both distinct predictive arts, that someone could get sick in a certain year and month.

For the Feng Shui part of the study, I relied on the flying stars, where a correlation was found only with a person’s home feng shui.  In the year/month when a person got sick, most of the time they had at least one, and usually more, of the following criteria in place:

  1. Home was in a yearly or monthly People Lock, which can undermine health.
  2. Bedroom indicated either “2” star for sickness and/or the presence of a 5 star for weird events, mishaps or pain. And to further detail: the presence of the annual or monthly 5 star was even more prominent in the Feng Shui charts than the 2 star. I expected the 2 star since it has been directly related to sickness for over a hundred years (although that is changing soon). The 5 star is more about set-backs, obstacles and disasters. Covid was not a “disaster” for most on an individual basis, but certainly on a global level the damage done was enormous.
  3. Entrance door to house indicated potential for sickness, unusual serious events or pain.

***To be clear: For my clients who follow the long term and annual protocols to protect their health, they should be able to avoid or lessen some of these more “negative” or untimely predicaments. In fact, I would like to believe that anyone following feng shui remedies would fare better during their illness than someone who did not have that layer of protection.


For the Nine Star Ki part of the study, I looked at the individual’s own personal cycle, which has nothing to do with the house or directions. The “stars” referred to in Nine Star Ki are not the flying stars from Feng Shui.  While they have their origin, similarly, in the basis of Chinese metaphysics, these two domains are separate. I practice them in a complementary way, but they have their own unique symbolism.

In Nine Star Ki, a person’s own “star,” based on their year of birth, will get involved with other stars every year and every month. All the Nine Ki stars have a huge palette of definitions and indications.  Here are just a few, as they might pertain to COVID:

The 1 star in Nine Ki can be related to infection and/or lower energy.

The 2 star in Nine Ki is related to health matters and even a hospital setting or interacting with a medical professional like a nurse.

The 4 star in Nine Ki is associated with breathing and respiratory tract.

The 5 star in Nine Ki can be associated with disasters, things going awry, sudden change or cancellation of plans.

The 6 star is also related to the lungs.

There is also another position one’s own star can be in which can make a person more susceptible to problems. We call it the “Reversed Luo Shu Axis.” One can experience this noteworthy cycle on their own, or be influenced by someone else being in that cycle. As an analogy, if your life partner is having a bad day, you might also end up having a bad day indirectly because of their issue. So if you are close to someone whose own star is on the Reversed Luo Luo Shu Axis, you can get whipped up in that energy, like an innocent bystander.


With the Table Chart I created, there was an overwhelming correlation in the individual’s own personal chart and their susceptibility to contracting a respiratory infection. In all of the cases submitted to me, I found a Nine Star Ki correlation with 98% of the cases.

With the Feng Shui analysis, I found a correlation to getting sick or having some stressful mishap with 85% of the cases.

I was actually surprised to see how much these predictive arts reflected a real event, such as COVID.

Here is an example of a Nine Star Ki chart, which can be assessed for a person’s potential to have a respiratory illness.   This chart below is a 9 Star Ki chart for April of 2022.  This is the month/year chart that I reviewed for an 8 Star person who got COVID that month.  When reviewing the chart, we filter out all of the other stars, except the relevant relationships.  The relevant relationships include the individual’s personal star paired up with another in the same non-literal “location.” We also take note of the stars which are juxtaposed directly across from the person’s star.

This chart is chock full of indicators for COVID.  First we look at the individual’s 8 star (based on year of birth) and see that directly across from the 8 star in the NE “palace” is the 2 and 6 pairing in the SW palace. This is the tension of the pole magnetism, which can make things happen.


We can take the 2 star for health matters or medical situation, medical building and the 6 star for something related to the lungs.

Next, we look for the person’s 8 Month Star in the SE palace. It is paired with the 4 star. Here we can take the 4 star to represent the respiratory tract or breathing.  Opposite the 4 and 8 stars in the SE is the 6 and 1 stars in the NW palace.  We can take the 1 star for infection and the 6 star for lungs.

The series of numbers (stars) can be strung together as a sentence:  8 (person) + 4 (respiratory) + 6  (lungs) + 1 (infection).

This is just one example of many different permutations, showing how the relevant stars to the person and the timing of their COVID case matched up in almost all cases.


How Do We Respond to the Information?

In a Feng Shui audit, a practitioner like myself discusses with the client what kinds of events and circumstances could exist, based on the influence of the home or work place. In many instances, the occupant has already experienced those things, both good and bad, if they have resided at the property for a while. The goal is to adjust the environment, in order to enhance the future positive events and to diminish or eradicate the potential for negative occurrences. That might be a description of Feng Shui in a nutshell.

In a Nine Star Ki report, I typically look 12 months in the future, to see where there may be monthly cycles of concern.  It’s all laid out “in the stars,” mathematically, when the person’s own cycles may indicate a time to retreat, to plan, to take action or otherwise have an edge (through knowledge) over what may be on the horizon.  There are no “remedies” like what we have in Feng Shui. In Nine Star Ki, we can just plan accordingly, or know when certain things have a higher chance for occurring. We can try to stay calm and focused and gauge our reactions accordingly.

Obviously, my metaphysical COVID study would not be deemed scientific or reliable, based on western medical practices. Additionally, I never once in the last few years have suggested to any client that, “Hey, this month you might catch COVID.”  And yet, I am impressed with the overwhelming tendency to see the sickness manifest in sync with what the stars can suggest, from either discipline.

This was a great learning experience for me and I really appreciate all of you who participated.  Needless to say, I wish all the best of health and full recovery for everyone in the future.  Of course, I could run other studies on specific events, if there is a demand for it, such as:

What Month/Year did you get pregnant?

What Month/Years did you change residence?

What Month/Years did you get promoted or get fired from your job?

In truth, I have been informally documenting these kinds of statistics for over 30 years.  Each time I have a client who confirms their life experiences, through either Feng Shui or a Nine Star Ki analysis, it further solidifies my conviction that these ancient predictive arts are based in cosmological realities. They can be accurate in forecasting potential events and circumstances in our lives.

Author: Kartar Diamond

Company: Feng Shui Solutions ®

From the Nine Star Ki Blog Series