If you are discussing with your feng shui consultant what color pillows to have on your living room couch, you are in the realm of “micro feng shui.”  It’s not the Big Picture, rather a detail which might not influence you much.

In the vast scope of Feng Shui observations and applications, we can create two large categories, with some sub-categories, to define what is macro and what is micro.  This does not arbitrarily mean that the macro is always more important than the micro, but it is intelligent to understand the difference.

A large mountain near your house is macro feng shui.  A large amount of bulky furniture in a room is micro feng shui, a virtual mountain. Less micro but not macro, is a stone wall on your property, seen as more virtual mountain than tall furniture.

A river passing by your property or a stream wrapping around the house is macro feng shui, the larger natural environment.  A long hallway is micro feng shui.  They both funnel qi (air currents or life force energy), but on different scales.

Living in a place like Alaska, where two months of the year remains mostly dark, is macro feng shui in a “yin” sub-category.  Living in a shady canyon is also yin, but you can leave your house and feel a balance of sunshine elsewhere nearby.  A chronically dark entry way is yin on a micro level and may require artificial lighting as intervention.

Living on the beach with the waves licking your deck is macro feng shui, whereas having a pool or large water fountain on your property is micro feng shui.  And to boot, all of these comparisons of macro versus micro are relative, much like Yin-Yang Theory in general.  One man’s ceiling is another man’s floor.

What we do often, in modern times, is attend first to the things we have control over and moving is often not an option. This is when we must focus on the micro feng shui, the details. This can even include using rooms differently if that is an option.  If changing the function of a room is not an option, then micro-managing a room and dwelling in the best spot (for sleep or home office) may be the go-to solution.

Amazingly, people often get very quick and pronounced positive results, even when they are only tinkering with micro-feng shui.  Imagine if we could change the Big Picture aspects to our environment. Just as one example, with the mass migration going on from country to country and from state to state, that is exactly what people are doing these days, changing their macro-feng shui. It affects  them significantly, as well as a whole community or nation.

Author: Kartar Diamond

Company: Feng Shui Solutions ®

From the Feng Shui Health and Personal Matters Blog Series