One goal of feng shui is to create environments where anyone could be happy and comfortable. Feng shui is the ancient Chinese discipline of determining how people are affected by their immediate surroundings and there is a personal aspect to it as well. What may be a comfortable environment for one person won’t necessarily be for another.

Your house has an identity based on its “sitting” direction and that name or house type will be inherently compatible or incompatible with you. This is based on your birth year.

The “Sitting” side of a house is the back side or the opposite of the “facing” side of the house. This is another word for the front of the house. So, if your house faces east, then it “sits” in the west.  It is therefore called a “west” house.  The back or spine of a house is much more the name or real identity of the house than the front. In the same way that your back or spine holds up your entire body, the back of a house is the real anchor.

There are eight basic house types and they can be grouped into two categories: east type or west type.  There are also eight different Personal Trigrams, based on your year of birth. This connection between you and your house is a major part of one branch of feng shui called the East/West School. This school is also called the Ba Zhai School or Eight Mansion School. When you match your house, you feel very comfortable in that house type and could comfortably live there for many years.

The Eight basic House Types

House Name Sitting Direction Facing Direction Category
Kan North South East Group
Gen Northeast Southwest West Group
Zhen East West East Group
Xun Southeast Northwest East Group
Li South North East Group
Kun Southwest Northeast West Group
Dui West East West Group
Qian Northwest Southeast West Group


Below is a Chart that reveals your Personal trigram based on your Year of Birth.

And it is important to know that the Solar calendar begins on February 4th, not January 1st.  Anyone born between January 1st through February 3rd should consider themselves one year older on the following Chart.

Once you have identified your Personal Trigram and whether you are an “east group” person or a “west group” person, then you can see if you are compatible with your own house.

Personal Trigram Chart

Personal Trigram Year of Birth Group Type
Kan 1963, 1972, 1981, 1990, 1999, 2008  East Group
Gen 1956, 1965, 1974, 1983, 1992, 2001 West Group
Zhen 1961, 1970, 1979, 1988, 1997, 2006 East Group
Xun 1951, 1960, 1969, 1978, 1987, 1996 East Group
Li 1955, 1964, 1973, 1982,

1991, 2000

East Group
Kun 1953, 1962, 1971, 1980, 1989, 1998 West Group
Dui 1957, 1966, 1975, 1984,

1993, 2002

West Group
Qian 1958, 1967, 1976, 1985,

1994, 2003

West Group

Comparing the two charts, you can see that a Dui Trigram Person (West type) would feel comfortable in a West Type House. West type houses are the Dui, Qian, Gen and Kun House types. A Zhen Trigram Person (East type) would fee very comfortable in any of the four east type houses: Zhen, Xun, Li, or Kan House.

Don’t See Your Birth Year on the Chart?

Some individuals are born in a year which identifies them as “5 star” people.  5 Star people are neither East Type or West Type.  In the more popular Ba Zhai School, the 5 star birth years are relegated to being either Kun for males and Gen for females.

In the older Personal Trigram system, gender was not factored in and the 5 star people remained autonomous.  The 5 star is not related to any direction, east or west type. It is symbolic of the center.  The 5 star people include those born in:

1950, 1959, 1968, 1977, 1986, 1995, 2004, 2013 (and every nine years perpetually).

You can use this information as a house hunting guide when trying to find a house that matches more of your personal energy. This is just one of many layers to look at in attempting to find the absolute best houses type for you.  Of course, if you live in a household that is a mixture of east type and west type people, some members will match the house type and others won’t.  Then you have to rely on other feng shui techniques to compensate for the people who are not inherently compatible with the orientation of their space.


Author: Kartar Diamond

Company: Feng Shui Solutions ®

From the Health and Personal Matters Blog Series