The expression “feng shui” is literally translated as “wind” and “water.”  It is an abbreviation of a whole sentence: Energy which is dissipated by wind, collects at the boundary of water.  It is a concept that chi (energy) can be dispersed as well as collected.  It can be harnessed and controlled.

The goal of feng shui is to keep the earthly and cosmic forces in balance so that we as people can benefit from the balanced environments we function in.  The result of living and working in a balanced environment is that you can be healthier, happier, and more prosperous.

Feng shui includes the use of many remedies; water is one of the natural elements used most frequently.  Practically everyone needs water, it is just a question of where.  There are some basic guidelines when it comes to having water features in or around your home and they are as follows:

  • Water should be clean, never dirty.
  • Water usually needs to circulate (like a fountain or an aquarium) as opposed to just having a bowl of still water.
  • Usually the more water you have, the better the effect.
  • Water which moves up and down is normal, but some fountains appear to let the water escape or fall away from the property, (like infinity pools). This is not good.  Water, as a stream of energy, should not veer away from a house.  With that configuration, it can take the prosperity AWAY as much as it can attract.
  • Water should not rush too quickly, nor make an unpleasant sound.
  • Some Feng Shui folk remedies and superstitions persist, such as the notion that you should have a water fountain to one side of your entry door.  This is too generic to be meaningful.
  • Another myth is that you need to have an aquarium filled with a certain number of fish and a certain color.  This is not necessary.  The fish are just an excuse to circulate the water, like a water pump.
  • The shape of water is undefined, but a kidney shaped pool is considered one of the best shapes for containing water.  It makes the water even stronger.
  • As well, a metal container (like a copper fountain) makes the water stronger.  In Chinese Metaphysics and Five Element Theory, Metal always strengthens water, so it is a superior container compared to a stone fountain.
  • A concrete example of a house type that needs water for an important reason, based on timing and direction, is the northwest facing house built between 2004-2024, in the current Period 9 time frame (2024-2044).  All of these houses have recently entered a period called a “Locked Phase.”  All of these houses are in a phase from 2024-2044 where they are undermining the occupants’ financial potential.  The occupants need to hear and see circulating water on their property in order to break this invisible, but sabotaging energy.  Another house type, older and very common, is the house facing south, built between 1924-1944.  All of these homes are currently in a 20 Year People Lock as well, until 2044.
  • There are bad locations for water as well.  We are currently living in times (Period 9) where the placement of water OUTSIDE a house, aligned with the direction of magnetic South (158-202 degrees) can undermine the occupants’ financial strengths.  Conversely, aligning water outside a house to its North sector is a good location for enhancing money luck.
  • If you have an indoor or outdoor water fountain, it can run continuously unless the proximity of the fountain and its sound would keep you awake at night. As long as you run it at least a few hours per day, there can be enough benefit.

Author: Kartar Diamond

Company: Feng Shui Solutions ®

From the Frequently Asked Questions Blog Series