• Firstly, order an update! Some years are more crucial than other years, but virtually everyone needs to make at least a couple of important changes on an annual basis.  Order your update early, as I usually get a backlog of reports to write and clients to visit, the closer we get to the Feng Shui New Year, which is always around February 4th. (It’s a Solar calendar, not the Chinese Lunar calendar).
  • When you apply remedies, the ideal is to place a remedy (like water, wood, fire, earth or metal) in the wider part of the directional zone, as drawn out on your floor plan. You can, if you need to, place a remedy in the more narrow part of the directional sector, and all the directions narrow towards the center of the structure.  But the outer-wider area is better. Think of the wider areas closer to the exterior walls as a filter for the energy coming from certain directions.
  • Refresh your ideas for what to use, by reviewing the pdf files I have for each element. You can find them on my website in the CLIENT section, after you scroll PAST the shopping carts at FengShuiSolutions.net/for-clients/


  • Virtually everyone wants their year to be maximized for financial success, optimal health and the best relationships. I go into each review assuming that.  However, some people have specific goals and plans for the coming year that you can make me aware of with a quick email or phone call, such as plans to remodel, landscape or change the functions of rooms.
  • How Long Will It Take You to Make Your Annual Changes? This depends on the location and how many update reports you are referring to!  I have clients with multiple properties or they take responsibility for updating their adult children’s homes.  If you review your Update report(s) early and use the “checklist” I create for you, estimate how long it will take before February rolls around.   Some people need 30 minutes and some people take DAYS to make the changes.
  • Many long-time clients have virtually every remedy they need and don’t have to do any special purchases. It’s just a matter of moving some objects around, be it a fountain or some metal items, or taking some things away, etc.
  • You can do other rituals and practices to re-invigorate your home or work space and that can include high level cleaning or Space Clearing. If you have an elemental remedy that seems to be perpetually in one location, you can clean it as well.
  • Recommendations for the OUTSIDE areas will remain from year to year, unless noted otherwise in your Update Report.
  • Recommendations based on your year of birth, like a Peach Blossom  Romance Vase or a Lu Cun Lucky Money Bowl, those will not change in their location from year to year.
  • Take note of what your neighbors around you, on all sides are doing. One section of the Annual Update review involves how you are affected by demolitions or other “construction sha.” This is not just on your property but also other properties close by.
  • Please be wary of using generic annual Feng Shui advice over the internet. Some of it is good, but some of it is absolutely not appropriate for you.  I’ve done the analysis and know if you need to do something completely different than what’s stated on-line. I answer hundreds of questions per year from strangers, so I don’t mind (and encourage) and prefer questions from my actual clients.
  • Do you need to change which entrance door you use, if you have a choice, for the year? Do you need to sleep in another direction for the year? I will address the rare instance where that might be a good idea in your update report if need be.
  • Do annual adjustments over-ride the more long term recommendations? Sometimes, sometimes not. That is why Annual Updates are so important.

Author: Kartar Diamond

Company: Feng Shui Solutions ®

From the Frequently Client Questions Blog Series