Indoor Fountains:

  • Get the largest fountain you can afford and which you have room for. This does not mean the fountain itself; rather the volume of water it holds.  There are some large fountains as far as their structure is concerned, which actually hold only a small amount of water. Avoid those.
  • Fountain store owners and websites may not be able to tell you how much water the fountain holds. They often quote how FAST the water moves instead, such as “x gallons per minute.”
  • Get a fountain that will look good and appropriate to you in more than one room, since there is a chance you will need to move the fountain occasionally. This means it might be good in one room most years, but sometimes I will recommend a change of location for water in your Annual Update.
  • If you get an aquarium, part of the top-lid needs to be open so that water touches the air. A completely sealed up aquarium will not work as a water remedy.
  • Sealed up water containers of any kind will not work as a water remedy.
  • Pictures of fountains, lakes or the ocean do not work as water remedies. Water Colors are not real water remedies.
  • Mirrors are not water remedies, in spite of reflecting like water.
  • It does not matter what the water fountain is made of (ceramic, resin, copper, acrylic, etc) as long as there is at least a gallon or more of water.
  • If you have no choice but to get a very small fountain, the ideal container is metal. (Metal strengthens water in the Cycle of the Elements).
  • If you want an aquarium because they hold a lot of water, you do not have to have fish in it. Use the pump however because moving water is more effective than still water.
  • Check out the FLUVAL aquariums on-line. They are almost invisible and hold 3-5+ gallons of water.
  • If you have a pet that will drink from the fountain, like a cat, get a stainless steel pet drinking fountain. It is better than nothing and it will be safe for your pet.
  • If you don’t like the look of any indoor fountain, you may be able to “camouflage” it such as placing it behind things or surrounding with plants. Check with me if that matters in your case.
  • Read this article on how to make your own fountain as an alternative:

Outdoor Fountains:

  • The material of an outdoor fountain is almost always stone or ceramic (earthen materials). This is fine as long as the fountain holds many gallons of water.
  • A bird bath will not work.
  • You are trying to replicate a pond or lake, so if you can afford a very larger water feature, that is the ideal. A minimum of 20 gallons to have any influence at all.
  • A fountain can be multi-tiered where the water rises up to the top and falls down the various levels.
  • A fountain design can appear to have the water roll towards your property. Avoid one that appears to send the water away from your property.
  • If the fountain is small, it should be relatively close to the house or building, like within a few feet away up to about 20 feet away. If the fountain is very large, it can be much further away, even at the back wall of the property.
  • Put bleach or vinegar or some kind of calcium-build up remover in your fountain regularly to keep it clean and algae-free.
  • Outdoor fountains are placed in ideal locations that last for an entire Period when possible. Our current Period 9 is from 2024-2044.
  • If you have a pet that drinks from your outside fountain, stick to vinegar or use nothing in the water. Instead, empty it and clean out regularly.
  • If you have no convenient way to get an outdoor electrical outlet for a fountain, consider getting a solar-powered, battery operated fountain.

For Indoor OR Outdoor Fountains:

  • Skip the lights. Lights= fire and that clashes with water.
  • It doesn’t matter what color the fountain is, with the exception of red. No red painted fountains as that is also a clash of water and fire.
  • Read this article on making your own outside fountain:

 More articles about Water:

Feng Shui, Water and Freezing Temperatures

When Water Is Used As A Feng Shui Remedy

Feng Shui and Water Conservation During a Drought

Frequently Asked Questions About Water Features


Author: Kartar Diamond

Company: Feng Shui Solutions ®

From the Frequent Client Questions Blog Series