What We Can Expect In A 9 Fire Year by Kartar Diamond

Chinese Metaphysics is full of predictive Arts and skill sets. We have not only two different types of Chinese astrology (Ba Zi and Zi Wei Dou Shu), but also various Schools of Feng Shui. And I am not referring to the New Age practices that popped up […]

By |2024-04-25T19:26:33-07:00January 23rd, 2018|Comments Off on What We Can Expect In A 9 Fire Year by Kartar Diamond

Clarifications about Live Plants and Feng Shui by Kartar Diamond

This month’s issue of our School Newsletter is simply sharing with you a question I received from a long time client and my answer back to him. Feng Shui students will have unending questions about how to manifest the elements as physical remedies.Clients also wonder about the […]

By |2024-04-25T16:31:07-07:00February 11th, 2018|Comments Off on Clarifications about Live Plants and Feng Shui by Kartar Diamond

Working With Dr. Lucy Postolov by Kartar Diamond

I came to Dr. Lucy for a specific health issue. I had read on-line that acupuncture can help people regain their sense of smell and I thought: who better to consult with than my long time client, who is so highly regarded in the field of Chinese medicine? Once in Dr. Lucy’s office, she […]

By |2018-01-21T16:18:28-08:00January 21st, 2018|Comments Off on Working With Dr. Lucy Postolov by Kartar Diamond

Feng Shui and Transgenderism by Kartar Diamond

At the heart of Feng Shui and all of Chinese metaphysics, we have the symbolism of the Yin-Yang, often called the Tai Chi symbol. The swirling black and white coding represents the masculine and feminine principle, with a notion that nothing is all masculine or all feminine, […]

By |2024-04-25T16:45:54-07:00January 9th, 2018|Comments Off on Feng Shui and Transgenderism by Kartar Diamond

Lucky Construction Directions by Kartar Diamond

Each year there are inauspicious or bad directions to be aligned with in regards to a construction. Being close to a construction site, including your own remodel project, is not always fun. We have a whole set of things to do in order to off-set this “construction […]

By |2020-08-21T12:21:51-07:00December 25th, 2017|Comments Off on Lucky Construction Directions by Kartar Diamond

Changing the Period of a House Part 1 by Kartar Diamond

There are a number of ways to change the Period of a house, with one of the main ways being the removal of both the ceiling and roof. This has to be clarified to make sure that it is understood because many homes have a new roof […]

By |2024-04-25T19:39:05-07:00December 11th, 2017|Comments Off on Changing the Period of a House Part 1 by Kartar Diamond

When There Is No Need For A Compass by Kartar Diamond

I have quoted Dr. Stephen Skinner a number of times when he said that “Feng Shui without a compass is like an astronomer without a telescope.” I also refer to the compass in my own published materials as the “essential tool of the trade.”

There are many […]

By |2024-04-25T19:55:51-07:00November 30th, 2017|Comments Off on When There Is No Need For A Compass by Kartar Diamond

A House Facing a Cardinal Direction: The Drawback by Kartar Diamond

What is a cardinal direction? The cardinal directions are directly North, South, East, or West. And in the Flying Star School of Feng Shui, we are referring to exactly the middle section of North, South, East, and West and after the magnetic declination has been adjusted to […]

By |2023-06-23T19:22:04-07:00November 14th, 2017|Comments Off on A House Facing a Cardinal Direction: The Drawback by Kartar Diamond

Hurricane Harvey Weinstein by Kartar Diamond

I didn’t initially want to put Harvey Weinstein’s name in the title of this article, but the allegations about him and the can of worms it has opened up in the entertainment industry, is what inspired me to write in the first place. Feng Shui and Nine Star Ki are predictive arts on a small […]

By |2020-08-22T14:52:17-07:00October 31st, 2017|Comments Off on Hurricane Harvey Weinstein by Kartar Diamond

Using Feng Shui to Help You Save Money by Kartar Diamond


Feng Shui principles work on many levels and people generally want this information because they have heard that Feng Shui applications to any environment can help improve a person’s health, well-being, relationships, and money.

Sometimes the advice is specific to a person, such as a person born in […]

By |2023-06-23T19:34:25-07:00October 20th, 2017|Comments Off on Using Feng Shui to Help You Save Money by Kartar Diamond
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