After doing a significant number of 2024 annual update reports, the questions started rolling in and many of them have been about outside mountain and water recommendations for Period 9. My explanations were not detailed enough for some, so this article serves as an addendum.  Period 9 starts in 2024 and continues for 20 years until 2044. Each of the Periods lasts for 20 years.

Each Period has good, bad, and neutral areas for outside water and mountain. The point in doing the mountain remedy is to enhance the health and relationships of the occupants. The goal in placing water in the ideal location is to enhance the wealth and career luck of the occupants.

There is ONE ideal location for the outside mountain and TWO locations for outside water (a primary and a secondary.)  And by definition: Where you place outside mountain you don’t want water and where you place outside water, you don’t want the mountain. This is not in regards to the Four Major House Types. This is in regard to a totally different formula based on the current 20-year Period.

What is a mountain?  If you don’t live in a literally mountainous or hilly area, as long as the ground level is raised by a few feet (knee high) in one spot, you can create a “virtual” mountain on your property, even if it is totally flat land. This can be accomplished with a short stone or concrete wall, a stone statue, a raised flower bed, a boulder, or a tall potted plant in a clay or ceramic container.  CLICK HERE to photo examples of “virtual mountains.”

The ideal location for your mountain in Period 9 is to the south of your home. The directions are always relative to the center point of your floor plan.  In Period 9, the ideal location for the mountain is the South (sector) specifically. Some clients mistook this directive to mean the south side of the house. This is not what is meant by south.  The south side of a house could include other directional sectors fanning out from the center point of the house.  For this application, we ONLY mean the south sector.  See floor plan illustration to further clarify.  Of course, in order to locate any of the directional sectors, you need to be working with an accurate floor plan and know how to use a compass.  I do this for my clients.

Additionally, the South sector is now NOT a good area for a large body of water: fountain, pool or pond.

If you have a literal lake to the south of your house, it’s likely that is also aligned with other directions too. But if one of them is south, then you will want to overcompensate with water in the good directions.

For outside water, the same principle applies. For Period 9, the primary best location for outside water is to the North. The secondary best location is to the southeast.  Again, I am not referring to the north side of the house or the southeast side, rather in alignment with those specific directional sectors.  See the floor plan examples for clarification. The sample is a North-west facing house where the front side includes the west, northwest and north sector, expanding away from the house. Only the North sector is the ideal location for outside water in Period 9.   The back of the house is to southeast, where you can see that the south, southeast and east fan out to the back, but the correct location for the mountain is aligned only with the south sector. The secondary location for water in the southeast is also available.

In regards to this Period 9 Mountain-Water recommendation, many questions have arisen, but the two most common ones have been:

  • If I cannot place water outside to the southeast or north, can I place water INSIDE in my house in those same directions? OR If I cannot place outside mountain to the South, can I put something earthen inside in the south?   The answer is NO.  These are remedies JUST for the outside.
  • I cannot place outside water to the north or southeast because it ends up in an awkward location, a location that is not even on my property, no way to put an electrical outlet for a fountain in that area, etc. Is there an alternative location where I can put outside water?  The answer to that is YES.

There are a few other options for where you can place outside water, with one of them being aligned with the current “wang water dragon.”  If you don’t know where that location is, contact me if you are a client and I will verify that for you.  As well, there is a technique called Water Road Remedy, where you can place outside water in a location that factors in the facing direction of your house. CLICK HERE for the separate article I have written about that formula.

Using outside water next to your “Wang Water Dragon” (a flying star inside the house), or using the Water Road Remedy may still not help 100% of you who want to do an outside water feature. But this is what I can offer as a possible alternative to the popular Outside Mountain & Water Remedy for Period 9.

For an alternative outside MOUNTAIN remedy to South, you can also contact me to review where your “Wang Mountain Dragon” is located and if having outside mountain to that area is possible. It’s not lost on me that those who are in apartments, condos or townhouses may not be able to change or add anything to your immediate exteriors.

For advanced Flying Star Students or practitioners, I have a case study which includes these formulas, titled Mountain Dragons and Water Dragons.

Some clients could not understand why a remedy may only be good for the outside and not the inside and that is a whole other topic about the many layers of Feng Shui and how the house responds differently to inside influences vs. exterior influences.

Author: Kartar Diamond

Company: Feng Shui Solutions ®

From the Feng Shui Theory Blog Series